Chapter Thirteen

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I walk into the Great Hall the next morning earning glares from the Slytherin's. I lost them fifty points, so you can't really blame them. However, Malfoy lost them fifty points as well and they're praising him. Even with the hundred points lost, we were most likely going to win house cup. I sat next to Daphne, who seemed to be the only person not angry with me, besides Blaise.

I started putting breakfast for myself in silence. I look across the Great Hall at the Gryffindor table, seeing Harry, Ronald, and Hermione. They all looked gloomy, they just lost their house 150 points. Ronald eventually looks up and meets my gaze, our eyes locking. I shoot him a small smile and he smiles back, then I look back down at my plate.

When I look back up, I see them all staring at Malfoy. When I look down the table at Malfoy, I see him standing next to Crabbe and Goyle. They all have smirks on their faces, and Malfoy then lifts the Goblet in his hand and drinks, glad he made Gryffindor lose so many points. I roll my eyes and pay attention to my food, thinking about what we might have to do for detention later.


It's late at night and Filch is leading Harry, Hermione, Ronald, Malfoy, and I across the school grounds to go for detention. Filch is carrying a lantern in his hand as we follow close behind him. I'm standing next to Ronald, the others in front of us.

"A pity they let the old punishments die. Was a time, detention would find you all by your thumbs in the dungeons..." Filch says to all of us. Malfoy and Ronald make a scared face. Hermione rolls her eyes as I try not to laugh.

Eventually, Filch leads us to Hagrid's hut. As we all cross the yard, Filch leading us, we see Hagrid holding a crossbow in his hands, Fang standing at his side. We all approach Hagrid.

"A sorry a lot this, Hagrid. I pity you." Filch tells Hagrid. When I get a closer look at Hagrid, I see he's crying. Probably about that dragon, Norbert. "Good god, man, you're not still on about that bloody dragon, are you?"

Hagrid wipes away his tears and sniffs. He looks at Harry, Hermione, Ronald and I. "Norbert's gone. Dumbledore's sent him off ter Romania ter live in a colony."

"Well, that's good, isn't it? He'll be with his own kind. Better all around, don't you think? Especially for Fang." Hermione says to Hagrid. He shakes his head and wipes more tears that roll down his face.

"But what if Norbert doesn't like Romania? What if the other dragons are mean to him? He's just a baby, after all." Hagrid explains, crying more tears.

"A baby that breaths fire." Ronald says. I elbow him in the stomach, telling him to be quiet.

He grabs his stomach and rubs it, acting like he was in pain. I smile, and he does too.

"For god's sake, pull yourself together man! You're going into the forest, after all. Got to have your wits about you." Filch says. My eyes go wide at what he had just said.

The forest?

"The forest? But I thought that was just a joke! We can't go into the forest. Students aren't allowed! And there's... werewolves." Malfoy says in fear. I roll my eyes at him, despite being a little scared myself. Filch starts to walk away and turns to Malfoy.

"Oh, there's more than werewolves in those trees, lad. You can be sure of that." Filch tells Malfoy, making him gulp. I didn't believe a word Filch said, he just tried to scare the kids.

We all start to trail down a tight path that leads to the dark trees, leading into the Forbidden Forest. Hagrid was in front of us all, Harry close behind him. Malfoy was standing in the back, and I was standing next to Ronald and Hermione. We continued to follow Hagrid down the path. Hagrid then turns to Harry, speaking lowly to him.

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