Chapter Seventeen

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Summer was over. Today is the day I go to Hogwarts, therefore we were all in a hurry. I packed all of my new clothes, shoes, and robes for the year with my books and supplies as well. Smiley took all of my luggage by the door for me, and I was fixing myself in the mirror.

I put on my Slytherin robe with a short black dress underneath. I put on a pair of dress shoes and put my hair in a neat bun, leaving the two white hair strands down. After making my way down to the dining room, I say hello to Mother and Father as we all sit in silence while we eat.

After I finish, I get up out of my seat and make my way towards the foyer. Smiley is standing there, waiting for me while holding my luggage. I hear Mother's heels clicking against the marble floor while she walks over towards me. Rea is making noises, obviously wanting to be freed out of the cage. I take my luggage from Smiley and link my arms with Mother and Father.

Everything starts to twist, the world spinning as we apparate. My stomach is churning, still not used to the feeling of apparation. Finally, we arrive at Platform 9 3/4. I see the steam coming out of the train, the students all saying goodbye to their families and boarding the train. Father goes off the put my luggage away, leaving me alone with Mother.

"Second year, are you excited?" Mother asks me, bending down slightly to talk to me. I nod as a response. "Now, don't you get into any trouble, clear? I know you got detention last year, and you will not repeat of that. You are going to keep up your grades and write to me every so often. Overall, have a fun time."

She pulls me into a hug and I hug her back. I hear her sniffle, meaning she's crying. I pull away from the hug.

"Mother, please don't cry." I beg of embarrassment. I didn't want anyone to see Mother crying, it was embarrassing.

"Oh, I'm sorry dear. I just..." She sniffles, grabbing a clean tissue out of her purse. "...I'll miss you. You're my only daughter, basically my only child since Jackson doesn't speak to us anymore."

I know what she means. Jackson basically flew away across the world and left us behind, never getting in contact with us since. None of us really knew where he was anymore, and we all miss him.

Especially me. I was closest with Jackson and then he just left me alone with Mother and Father. I write to him everyday, but not once receiving a response back.

"I know, Mother. I know." I reassure her, trying to get her to stop crying. She finally does and Father makes his way towards us. He forms a tight line with his lips.

"Did Mother already talk to you?" Father asks me, and I nod. He looks at Mother and puts his hand against her back. "Good. Now you don't want to miss the train."

He pulls me into a small and quick hug. Honestly, it was the longest hug we've had in a long time. He pulls away and looks down at me.

"Be good. Bye, Lila." He tells me before gesturing for me to walk off. So I do. I board the train and make my way to the Slytherin department. I find the compartment with Daphne and Blaise who are sitting next to each other and sit across from them next to the window.

I wave goodbye to my parents as they apparate away, not even waiting for the train to start. I let out a long, relieved sigh.

"Hello to you too, Lila." Daphne says sarcastically. I look up at her from the table I was staring at and give her a genuine smile.

"Sorry, I was just saying goodbye to my parents. Anyways, hello Daphne, Blaise-"

Before I could finish my sentence, the compartment door is slammed open by a platinum blonde-haired boy. He sits down next to me and closes the door.

"Hello." He says. Everyone groans a hello back. He rolls his eyes at us and leans back in his chair.

"Where's Crabbe and Goyle?" Blaise asks. Malfoy looks at him with a confused face. He puts his hand to his ear.

"Who?" Malfoy asks. Blaise rolls his eyes.

"You know, your two goons that follow you around and do your bidding? Them?" Daphne says.

Malfoy scoffs at her. "Oh, Crabbe and Goyle. I don't like sitting by them on the train, they make the whole compartment stink."

Daphne and I make disgusted faces while Blaise just nods in understanding.

"How was Italy, Blaise?" I ask him.

He looks up and smiles. "Actually, it was great. I had loads of fun, and so did Mother. She bought lots of clothes, for her and I. It's also really pretty." Blaise tells us all about Italy, saying how it's also really romantic.

Looking at Daphne, I could tell the whole time she was thinking about her and Blaise going there together one day.

"Enough Blaise, we've heard enough stories of you and your Mother." Malfoy orders, making Blaise shut up. I can see him groan in anger, annoyed that Malfoy always has to be so rude. Somehow though, him and Blaise are still best friends.

"No need to be so rude, Malfoy." I say to him, rolling my eyes. His head snaps over to me and he sneers.

"Mind your business, Lila." He practically spits out, eyes roaring with frustration. "No need to stick your nose into places you don't belong, hm?"

I scowled, shuffling in my seat, about to retort back with something insulting before the trolley came around, saving me from saying something I could possibly regret.

Grudgingly, Malfoy stands to pay for the sweets and lollies we requested him to get for us, entering the cabin once more with his arms overflowing in treats. He let them pour onto the table in front of him, taking his seat next to me as the rest of us took our pick.

Malfoy was just so infuriating. All he enjoys to do is make people angry and bully undeserving people. I couldn't help myself losing self-control around him, wanting to lash out and see him cower from my words; he brought out my worst temptations because he's just so incredibly irritating.

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