Chapter One

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I sit up in my bed, a book in my lap from the previous night. I look around my room and breathe in the morning air. The sunlight creeps into my room through the window, giving the morning a warm, summery feeling. My happiness soars through me as I remember what Mother and I will be doing today.

I pull my covers off of me and get out of bed slowly. I'm still tired, but that doesn't stop the excitement rushing through my body. I walk across my large bedroom, my bare feet cold against the hardwood ground. I look at myself in the mirror and see my messy hair and silk pajamas.

I stare at myself for a moment, looking at the person I am. I look to see my tan skin shining in the sunlight, giving a gorgeous reflection on my complexion. My thick and curly brown hair flows down, messy. I study the two single strands of natural white hair, the only white coils, I have on my head. They sit at the front of my head, shorter than the rest of my hair.

I look into my dark brown eyes, getting lost in my own irises when I hear a yell from downstairs.

"Lila! Get dressed so we can leave!" Mother yells up at me in a loud but sweet voice. I go to my closet and grab a simple and modest black dress. It just reaches my knees, and it's styled in a short sleeved cut, my collarbones barely on display. I brush my hair and pull it into a bun, leaving the two white strands of my hair down to fall in front of my face. Slipping on a pair of ballet-styled flats, I exit my room gracefully.

I walk down the twenty-three marble steps of my house to get to the foyer. My mother is sitting on a couch near the staircase. When I look at her I see she's wearing something similar to me, but her hair is done nicer and she is wearing makeup. When she notices me, she stands up and smiles. Her smile lights up the whole room.

"You look great." She simply says, but in a tone that could make anyone smile. Our house elf Smiley appears by us and opens the door gesturing for us to leave the house. Mother leaves first and I follow after her, looking back at the house elf who's smiling at us.

"Thank you Smiley." I say to her, and the house elf smiles at me. Once I exit the house, the door slams shut behind us and I walk up to Mother. "Is Father coming?"

Her smile quickly turns into a frown, but then she realizes and forces a fake smile upon her face."No, I'm sorry. He's doing business."

I look down at the floor and nod in disappointment. I wanted Father to come with us today to Diagon Alley to buy school supplies for my first year at Hogwarts.

I hook my arms with my mother's and she Apparates us to Diagon Alley. When we appear, I see all the Hogwarts students laughing and joking, buying school supplies for the upcoming school year. We see families we know and families we don't, but none are really friends to me.

Most of the families I know are because Father has done business with them, and the people Father does business with aren't usually pleasant. The only people I like are the Greengrasses. Sure, they are stuck-up sometimes, but they're nice. Daphne and I are best friends. Daphne's actually my only friend, along with Astoria, my parents, and house elves. But, when I look around, I see that the Greengrasses aren't here.

I was holding my letter from Hogwarts containing the school supplies list in my hand. I look down at it to see what I need to buy first.

"Let's go buy your robes first." Mother says to me, almost like she can read my mind. I nod as a response. We go to walk to Madam Malkin's to buy three black robes, the first thing on the list.

When we enter the shop, we see all the Hogwarts students gathered around us. It took a moment, but as expected, everyone turned and looked at us. They all wore looks of surprise on their faces as they looked at Mother and I. Mother simply ignored them all and walked up to the counter where Madam Malkin was standing, staring at us with the same expression on her face as everyone else in the room.

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