Chapter Fifty One

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Loving fourth year. Definitely my favorite right now.

Harry and I ended up telling Hermione and Ronald about everything, and their reactions were just as we predicted. 

They told us it was just a nightmare and I probably had the same one because I'm a Seer or something, but I'm not really sure. 

It seemed to calm both of them that we had already written to Sirius, yet they would still walk around the Burrow slightly nervous. 

But I was a nervous wreck inside, but I tried not to show it on the outside. 

I kept picking at the flesh on my lips whenever I thought of the topic, which was a lot, and my lips look awful, me putting lip gloss or chap stick on a lot during the day to make them look better.


Earlier that morning, everyone was extremely tense.

Amos Diggory had used the fireplace to contact Mr. Weasley, telling him Mad-Eye Moody thought someone had broken into his house last night, Mr. Weasley rushing off to the Ministry. 

We then used a Muggle Taxi to get to the Platform, but Fred's No-Heat Fireworks went off and Mrs. Weasley went off on him, the driver yelping in fear. 

But when we finally arrived at the Platform, we all became calmer and more relaxed, saying goodbye to everyone. 

"I might be seeing you all sooner than you think." Charlie tells us, grinning as he hugged Ginny goodbye. 

"Why?" Fred asks keenly.

"You'll see." He responds with a small smirk. "Just don't tell Percy I mentioned anything about it. It's 'classified information, until such time as the Ministry sees to release it', after all."

"Yeah, I sort of wish I was back at Hogwarts this year." Bill states, looking wistfully at the train, hands in pocket.

"Why?" George asks impatiently. 

"You're going to have an interesting year. I might even get time off to come and watch a bit of it..." Bill says, his eyes twinkling.

"A bit of what?" Ronald asks, frustrated.

At that moment, the whistle of the train blew, giving no one time to answer as Mrs. Weasley chivvied us away. 

"Thank you." I tell her, hugging her goodbye. 

"For what?" She asks. 

"For letting us stay." Hermione finishes, hugging Mrs. Weasley as well once I pull away. 

"Yeah, thank you for everything, Mrs. Weasley." Harry agrees with a smile. 

"Oh, it was my pleasure, dears." She smiles warmly. "I'd invite you for Christmas, but, well... I expect you're all going to want to stay at Hogwarts, with all one thing and another."

"Mum!" Ronald interrupts, irritated. "What do you three know that we don't?" 

"You'll find out everything, I expect. It's going to be very exciting. Mind you, I'm very glad they've changed the rules-"

"What rules?" We all ask. Well, all of us that don't know what they're talking about.

"I'm sure Professor Dumbledore will tell you soon enough. Now behave, won't you? Won't you, Fred? And you, George?" Mrs. Weasley calls out as we all begin to board the train. 

I part from my friends and go down to the Slytherin section, searching each compartment until I see a familiar blonde standing by a compartment door, about to knock. 

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