Chapter Six

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It's been a month and a half since school first started.

I am still friends with Ronald and Harry, although we do not speak as much as I would like. It's been pretty uneventful, the most eventful thing that has happened so far was Harry becoming the first first year to be on the Quidditch team in ages. Although I was proud of him, the Slytherins were not. They all booed him at practices and games, and they would talk poorly about him in the common rooms. The person who first started doing these things was no other than:

Draco Malfoy.

I always tried to stay out of uncomfortable situations where others would ask me what I thought of Harry. I would never say anything bad about him, but I wanted the Slytherins to like me. After all, I was stuck with them for the rest of my years at Hogwarts.

"Lila, what the bloody hell are we doing in Defense Against the Dark Arts?" Ronald asks me taking his seat next to mine. We were in the library doing homework and studying for our Defense Against the Dark Arts quiz.

"Ronald, we have a quiz tomorrow and you don't even know what we're doing?" I ask him and he shrugs.

"What? Professor Quirell is an idiot." He tells me and I giggle.

"He's not an idiot, he's just a coward. He's scared of everything we talk about." I tell Ronald.

"I can't disagree with you on that, Lila. Can I copy your Transfiguration homework?" Ronald asks me and I laugh a little. I pass the homework to him and shake my head.

"Knock yourself out. Just change the answers a little so she won't know that you cheated." I tell him. He nods while copying the answers.

"How're you so bloody smart?" He asks me, still copying down my homework. I immediately blush at the compliment, but I shake it off so he wouldn't notice.

"I don't know, maybe because I pay attention?" I sarcastically say as he laughs a little.

"Yeah, but Harry pays attention and he's not nearly as good. When I copy off him, I barely ever pass. When I copy off you, though, I get a perfect mark!" He nearly shouts, the librarian giving him a deathly glare.

"Well, Professor McGonagall says I'm top of the class." I say quietly under my breath. Ronald drops the quill in his hand and looks at me with shocked eyes.

"You're top of the class? I thought Hermione was smart, but you're a genius!" He tells me excitedly. I shush him for him to lower his voice, him basically yelling at this point.

"You hang out with Hermione?" I ask him. He nods.

"Well, yeah sometimes. She's really smart and knows what she's doing. I mean, so do you, but she's in Gryffindor, so it's just easier." He explains. I nod my head, but my envy was slowly rising up. Why did I feel this way? I never felt envy before, why am I now?

I quickly brushed the feeling off, hoping it's nothing.

"All done copying your homework. Can I copy your Potions?" Ronald asks me. I shake my head.

"Snape would immediately figure it out. Although he might not give me detention, he'll definitely give you one." I tell him and he nods.

"Yeah, you're right." He says disappointed. I look at him and he sighs.

"Well, maybe I can help explain the homework, but I won't give you answers." I tell him. He looks up at me eagerly.

"Really?" He asks me, almost like it's too good to be true.

"Really, yeah." I respond and he smiles.

We spent the rest of the evening discussing homework, or me explaining homework to Ronald. We got through all of the homework and studied for the quiz when the librarian came up to us.

"Excuse me, you two." She says to us as she makes her way towards Ronald and I. "It's almost curfew, I advise you both head back to your common rooms."

"Ok, we will. Thank you." I tell her. She nods and walks away. After I'm done packing up my things, Ronald and I leave the library in silence. When we have to part our separate ways, we finally break the silence.

"Well, um, thanks for your help today. I really appreciate it." Ronald says awkwardly. I nod and smile.

"Of course, anytime." I respond. He smiles, not breaking his eye contact with the ground. "Well, goodnight Ronald."

"Goodnight, Lila." We wave goodbye and walk towards our common rooms, me grinning the whole time.

When I arrive at the common room, Pansy was sitting next to Draco on the couch. Daphne was sitting next to Blaise and Millicent was eating the candies she snuck into the common room. I headed up to the girl's dormitories and placed my back on the ground. I laid on the top of my bed when my owl Rea flew through the window and delivered a letter.

"Thank you, Rea." I tell my owl, petting her head. I rip open the letter and start to read it.


I hope you are holding up well at Hogwarts. Your mother and I only wish the best for you. Keep your grades up and study hard, and you shall only be greeted with success. Stay safe, and don't act rashly. We miss you. Please write us back.


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