Chapter Thirty Six

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It was a week after the Quidditch game. Or six days later. Everyone has been keeping a very close eye on Harry, monitoring his every move. The weather has been getting much worse and it's storming practically everyday now. Professor Lupin was back, causing Snape to be a little furious that he wasn't teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts anymore.

We were back to learning about Hinkypunks, moving on from the Werewolf topic that Lupin was so eager to stop talking about. Suspicious, isn't it? I've been thinking about why Snape would move onto a subject that we shouldn't have been covering for weeks. And I heard what Lupin's boggart was— the moon.

He isn't...


I've been trying to convince myself that Lupin isn't what I think he is because he's a good person. I've been trying to have a vision about it but it's useless.

I haven't had a real vision in a while. Since the first DADA lesson. The only thing that was close were the flashes of Harry's mum, which I am still confused about.

I sent Mother a letter about it and she said to move on. I told her that Lily— Harry's mum— was talking to Mother, but she refused to listen. She kept telling me it was probably a dream since I was supposed to be asleep.

She's been acting off about it, even if it's just written in letters. I want to talk to Harry about it, but that would result in me telling him about my visions. I hated keeping secrets from Harry, especially since this involves him, but Mother says it's for the best.


Defense Against the Dark Arts class was boring today. We focused on reading from the chapter and taking notes on Hinkypunks. Lupin was rather excited about it, so it put everyone in a better mood, but it was still pretty boring. Hermione and I were probably one of the only students who stayed awake the entire class.

We both grabbed our bags once Lupin dismissed us and trudged up the many, many stairs to the Divination tower. Once we arrived, we parted as we sat in our seats. She took her seat by Parvati and I took my seat by Malfoy. I pulled out my Palmistry chart, as did the rest of the class, while Trelawney greets us all.

"Hello children! Today we will all be working on reading our partner's palms. Palmistry. Now let me review the different types of lines. Listen very carefully, and if you please, take notes— this will be on the exam." She pauses, taking a shaky breath, before continuing. "Now, there are 12 overall lines. Can someone tell me what the first line is?"

My hand shoots up in the air and she calls on me to answer. "The Heart Line. It runs horizontally across the upper part of your palm. This line determines your love life, or the future of your love life."

Malfoy and his Slytherin boy posse whistle flirtatiously and the rest of us roll our eyes. Trelawney smiles and claps at my answer.

"Excellent, girl. 10 points to Slytherin! Now today we will be focusing on reading our partner's Heart Line. Read the chart, where you will see how to determine their future. Get to work!" Trelawney declares.

I look up at Malfoy to see him holding up his palm to me and staring at me expectantly. I roll my eyes and take his hand, studying his palm and his Heart Line.

"Okay. So your line is short, which means you will be self-centered in the relationship. Seems about right. Your line is faint, so your relationship will have sensitive nature and your partner will have a weak heart. Your line is straight, so your love life will be based off of your intense feelings. Your line is broken, so you will have troubled relationships. Then lastly, it is a forked line, so you will have either heartbreak or divorce."

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