Professor Umbridge

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"Well... it's not a terrible turnout," said Adrian, looking at the four students who had turned up to try out for the beater positions, none of whom had quite the same energy or build as Peregrine and Lucian had. By comparison, there were seven hopefuls for chaser and three for keeper, plus two students there to try out for the reserve seeker position.

"Who knows, they might surprise you," said Ursula. She, Adrian, and Draco were the only returning members of the team, and he wasn't making them try out again.

"Let's start with the chasers," said Adrian. He blew his whistle for silence. "Alright! We're going to start with the chasers, so I want all of you to mount your brooms and follow Ursula."

Ursula soared into the sky, leading the group of Slytherins as she wove in and out of the goalposts and rounded the corners at top speed. Adrian blew his whistle and she landed hard in front of him.

"Travers, Barnes, you're out," said Adrian. The two boys, a third year and a fourth year, scowled but he didn't give them time to protest. "The rest of you, you're going to take turns scoring on the keepers." He pointed at the huddle of hopeful keepers. "Derrick, you first."

Guinevere Derrick, Peregrine's younger sister, squared her shoulders and flew up to defend the goalposts as one by one the chasers tried to score on her. After her, Vanessa's younger brother Oliver went, and then sixth year Graham Montague rounded out the group.

"Right," said Adrian. "Montague, you're the new keeper, and Derrick, you're the reserve."

Oliver slumped off the pitch, to be comforted by Vanessa, while Graham and Guinevere went to join Draco on the sidelines. Adrian turned back to the chasers.

"Vaisey, you're out," he said. Simon Vaisey looked upset, but left without complaint. "The rest of you, your last test is to try not to get hit by a Bludger. Warrington, Goyle, you're up."

Of the four prospective beaters, there was Cassius's brother Marcellus, a fourth year who didn't have his brother's muscular build but was lean and quick, Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle, two of Draco's friends who lumbered around, and a tiny second year named Colin who was Graham's younger brother, and who could barely hold the bat.

"When you tell him he didn't make it, be nice," murmured Ursula in Adrian's ear.

"I'm sorry Colin, you're just not quite ready yet," said Adrian kindly, when Colin indeed failed to hit any of the chasers, only hit a Bludger once, and was nearly killed by another one. "But keep practicing, and maybe you'll make the team in a year or two."

"Very nice," said Ursula.

"Okay, so that means that out of you three," said Adrian, pointing to the beaters, "two of you will make the team and one of you will be the reserve. Now, as for the chasers, Warrington, you're the new chaser, and Higgs, you're the reserve. Zabini, you played very well and next year you could easily make the team."

Blaise Zabini nodded and left the pitch. Cassius high fived Ursula.

"I knew you could do it," she said. "I think you scared your competition. Most of them were expecting you to try to be a beater."

"I like to be unpredictable," said Cassius with a chuckle. "But be careful — someone might accuse you or Adrian of favoritism."

"They wouldn't dare," said Ursula, and she turned back to watch the seekers tryout.

Adrian decided not to make Draco try out again, and only Cassius's sister Aurelia and Amos Rowle had come to try out to be the reserve. Adrian had them try to catch the Snitch while the prospective beaters hit Bludgers at them, and Aurelia managed it without being hit once.

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