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"There," said Ursula, tucking the last flower into Tonks's bubblegum pink braid. "Beautiful."

"Thanks," said Tonks, grinning up at her. "I'm so glad you could make it."

Ursula snorted.

"You thought I would miss my favorite cousin's wedding? Not a chance," she said. "How is the groom?"

Tonks sighed.

"Nervous," she admitted. "But excited."

"Don't you worry, Sirius will get him straightened out before the ceremony," said Ursula.

It was mid July, when the days were long and hot and the gardens lush and green. Tonks and Remus were set to get married later that day, in the back garden of Tonks's parents house. Ursula was the maid of honor, and Sirius the best man. In terms of a small wedding, it was practically an elopement. Ted and Andromeda were there, and Mad-Eye Moody and Kinglsey Shacklebolt, but that was it. It was sensible, considering both the bride and groom's role in the war.

"What about you?" asked Tonks. "Are you excited for your wedding?"

"I will be. When the time is right," said Ursula, thinking that the man had to be right as well. "Let's not talk about it now. I'll just go and check that everything is ready."

She hurried out of Tonks's old bedroom and into the kitchen, where Ted and Andromeda were chatting over a pot of tea. Although initially hesitant at their daughter's choice of husband, they were ready to welcome Remus into the family; Andromeda had joked that unique husbands ran in the family, and Ted had laughed and kissed her.

"Ah, Ursula," said Andromeda, smiling at her. "Is Dora ready?"

"All set!" replied Ursula cheerfully. "I've just got to check on the groom."

"He's outside," said Ted, sounding amused.

Ursula smiled and headed out to the garden, where sure enough, Remus and Sirius were waiting in their dress robes, the latter having a lovely frolic as a dog among the vegetable patch, the former looking positively terrified.

"Not messing about, are we?" she said sternly. Sirius turned back into a person and stuck his tongue out at her. "How childish."

"Is Tonks ready?" asked Sirius.

"Yes, she's ready when you are," said Ursula, turning to Remus and saying, in a half-joking manner, "But I warn you, if you hurt my cousin, I will not hesitate to kill you."

"Understood," said Remus solemnly.

"Where are Kingsley and Mad-Eye?" asked Ursula.

"Having a stroll around the perimeter, or something," said Sirius. "Mad-Eye wanted to check that everything was secure. They should be back any minute."

"We'll start as soon as they get back," said Ursula. "You're excited, aren't you?" she said to Remus.

For the first time, she saw a genuine smile spread across his face.

"Yeah," he said. "Yeah, I am. I feel like the luckiest man in the world."

"Glad to hear it," said Ursula amusedly.

She headed back inside, her daisy-patterned sundress flouncing around her, and checked to be sure Tonks hadn't spilled anything on her wedding dress, clumsy as she was. Andromeda had bemoaned affectionately all morning about the risks, and had kept all colored liquids out of Tonks's reach. The white fabric of her dress, which although simple and rather casual was the funky sort of thing that reflected Tonks's personality, was unstained, and Ursula told her it was time.

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