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The ride on the Hogwarts Express began with a mess of condolences from Ursula's friends. After assuring them that she was doing fine and insisting that they change the topic, she got a chance to show them her new broom. Around mid-afternoon Ursula and Lilian went to the bathroom to change into their school uniforms and on the way back to their compartment Ursula caught sight of something — or, rather, someone — that made her pause.

"I'll be there in a minute," she said to Lilian.

Ursula slid open the door of the compartment, which was occupied only by a very excited young boy and a small girl with white blonde hair and, strangely, radish earrings. The two were keeping up a steady stream of conversation and both held copies of a strange looking magazine called The Quibbler.

"Ursula!" said the boy happily, looking up at her as she entered.

"Hello Leon," said Ursula. It was her cousin's first year, and she wanted to make sure he was doing alright. "Who's your friend?"

"This is Luna," said Leon.

"We were discussing Wrackspurts!" added Luna in a cheery voice.

"Don't let me interrupt," said Ursula, amused. "I just wanted to see how you're doing, Leon. Have fun."

"We will!" said Leon. "Bye Ursula!"

Smiling to herself, Ursula returned to her compartment and explained the reason for her delay to her friends. The rest of the train ride passed smoothly, and soon enough the train pulled into Hogsmeade Station.

Ursula froze as they neared the carriages. Noticing her expression, her friends stopped as well.

"You can see them now, can't you?" said Lilian in a hushed voice. Ursula nodded, forcing herself to keep walking, her eyes never leaving the thestrals in front of them. Lilian couldn't see them, and nor could Cassius or Adrian, but Ursula could.

She thought they were beautiful, in an eerie, sinister way. Their black coats clung to their skeletons, every bone visible, and their heads were dragonish and held high. Their eyes were pupil-less and white and wings sprouted from each wither — vast, black leathery wings that ought to have belonged to giant bats. They stood still and quiet in the gloom.

As Ursula climbed into the carriage she knew her friends stared at her apprehensively, but she didn't want their pity.

"Your brother's Head Boy, right Adrian?" said Ursula, redirecting the conversation as the carriage began to move.

"Yeah, he put the badge on as soon as he got it and hasn't taken it off since," Adrian replied.

Soon enough they reached the school and entered the Great Hall, where innumerable candles hovered in midair over four long tables, making the golden plates and goblets sparkle. Overhead the bewitched ceiling, which always mirrored the sky outsided, sparkled with stars. Once everyone was seated, Professor McGonagall brought in the first years and the Sorting Hat began to sing.

"Where's Professor Snape?" whispered Lilian, pointing discreetly to the staff table. Ursula looked to where she was pointing.

There was Professor Dumbledore, his long silver beard and half-moon glasses shining brightly in the candlelight. Several seats along was Gilderoy Lockhart dressed in robes of aquamarine. Hagrid was seated at the end, drinking deeply from his goblet. But Lilian was right; there was an empty seat and Professor Snape was nowhere to be seen.

By now the sorting had begun, with Professor McGonagall calling out, "Ash, Honey!"

Blossom's equally small and blonde sister stumbled nervously up to the stool and put the Sorting Hat, which fell clear over her eyes.

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