Platform Nine and Three-Quarters

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The month before Ursula got to leave for Hogwarts passed quickly, and soon enough it was the morning of September 1st. Ursula had double checked and triple checked that she had packed everything, and Lucius had even gotten someone from the Ministry to drive them to King's Cross. Of course, Wiltshire to London was a long drive, so they were Apparating to the Leaky Cauldron first.

Ursula was filled to the brim with excitement. She closed her trunk, fastened the lock on Agatha's cage, and shut Betelgeuse in his wicker basket. She brought her two pets downstairs while Dobby took care of her trunk and then Lucius Apparated the two of them to the Leaky Cauldron. Narcissa and Draco appeared right behind them, and in no time at all Ursula's trunk had been loaded into the back of the Ministry car and they were off, weaving through the crowded London streets.

When they arrived at King's Cross Station, Ursula's trunk was loaded onto a trolley, and the family of four headed towards the barrier between Platform Nine and Ten, weaving through the many Muggle commuters. Looking up at the clock, the train would leave in approximately a quarter of an hour.

"Alright Ursula," said Lucius. "You first."

Taking a deep breath, Ursula pushed her trolley slowly towards the barrier, gathering speed as she went. She was almost running by the time she reached the wall, and forced herself not to close her eyes in fear of a collision.

She emerged onto Platform Nine and Three-Quarters with a gasp. The platform was packed with people, with smoke from the scarlet steam engine drifting overhead. There was a wrought-iron archway where the barrier had been, and moments later the Malfoy family had made it through as well.

Ursula heard the hooting of owls over the babble and chatter coming from the crowd, and saw cats of every color trying to escape their baskets or wriggle out of their owner's grasp. There was the scraping of heavy trunks as they were loaded onto the train, and more than a few tearful goodbyes from parents and younger siblings.

Draco was one such person, and he looked up at Ursula with tear filled grey eyes.

"Don't go," he begged, clutching her arm. "Please don't go. I'll miss you."

"I'll write to you, I promise," Ursula said, giving him a hug. "I'll miss you too. You'll always be my favorite dragon, Draco."


It was Vanessa, with her parents and younger brother in tow. She had three brothers in total, two older and one younger, but the older two seemed to have vanished among the crowd. She gave Ursula a hug and was practically bouncing up and down. Her father shook Lucius's hand.

"The girls are leaving today," he said in a gruff voice. Vanessa's father was a Ministry man who had little patience for wasting time, as evident when he checked his pocket watch and then checked it again to be sure. He bent down and hugged his daughter swiftly. "Goodbye my girl. Be good. Be in Slytherin. Make us proud."

"We love you," added her mother, wrapping her in a tear stained hug. Vanessa's little brother gave her a hug as well, but it was perfunctory.

Lucius gave Ursula a hasty hug. "Have a good term. We'll see you at Christmas."

"You come from a long, proud line of Slytherins," reminded Narcissa, giving Ursula a gentle hug. "Your mother would be proud." Her smile wavered, and Ursula could tell Draco wasn't the only emotional member of the family. "Have fun at school."

Draco gave Ursula one more tight hug. The carriages were filling with students, and it was Lucius's turn to check his watch.

"Nearly eleven," he said. "You'd best get on board. To help you with your luggage..."

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