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Ursula had been to America before, perhaps once a year or so since she was eight, but this visit was special. For one thing, it was the longest one she'd ever had, and for another she would be meeting her dad's boyfriend for the first time.

Their plane touched down shortly after lunch in Phoenix, which was nighttime back in England. Ursula was tired and hungry and couldn't wait to get to the Thunderbird Sanctuary. They gathered up their luggage and Ken Apparated them to the little hut that controlled the sanctuary's gate. A freckled man leaned out of the small window as they approached.

"Hey there Ken," he called. "Is that Ursula I see?"

Ursula grinned and waved, recognizing him as Alexander Collins. Everyone at the sanctuary knew who she was. Aside from having met most of them before, Ken talked about her a lot.

"Yup, just in from England," said Ken.

"You'll be needing a cart, I suppose," said Alexander, pointing to the row of golf carts waiting opposite the hut. He handed Ken a key. "Have fun Ursula!"

They loaded their luggage onto the back of a cart and hopped in, waving goodbye as Alexander opened the gate and they drove off down the dirt road. The sanctuary was divided into four quadrants, each with seventy-five to a hundred adult thunderbirds. Ken was in charge of the northeast quadrant, which was a huge responsibility and one that filled Ken with pride to complete.

As they drove along, different ornithologists waved and shouted hello. They passed paddocks, pastures, and barns dotted with magnificent thunderbirds, their gold and white plumage shimmering with cloud-like patterns. Soon they reached Ken's home, a two story cabin that stood in the middle of a neat row of other single story cabins. Two thirds of the ornithologists lived on site, each in their own little home. Ursula loved her father's cabin, which had been his ever since he succeeded the previous director of the northeast quadrant a few years ago.

"Home sweet home," said Ken, opening the door for Ursula. At once they were greeted by a very excited Australian Shepherd.

"Good girl," cooed Ken.

"Dad, you didn't tell me you got a dog!" said Ursula, bending down to pet her.

"Didn't I?" said Ken airily. "I suppose I wanted her to be a surprise. Meet Pepper."

"Hi Pepper!"

"Why don't you go unpack?" suggested Ken, amused. "I'd let you nap, but you've got to get adjusted to the time difference as soon as possible. I'm going to check up on things, see if there are any changes since I left. I'll be back soon."

"Ok, bye dad!"

Ursula carried her luggage upstairs with Pepper at her heels. There were two bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs, and before Ken was director the second bedroom had been used as an office. Ken had no need for an office, not when he preferred to work at the dining table or outside, but he did need a second bedroom for Ursula. It pained her to leave Betelguese behind, but he was not overly fond of thunderbirds and didn't do well in heat.

And oh, was it hot. Ursula could practically hear the sun at this point, as the temperature was well past a hundred. Once again, she was thankful for Muggle technology as the air conditioning kicked it. It never got this hot in Wiltshire.

She began to unpack, sliding her clothes neatly into her dresser. Out the window beside her bed she could see the roofs of the other cabins, and beyond them a gorgeous view of the thunderbirds themselves, playing, grooming, and occasionally flying, their handlers taking great care of them.

Ursula stayed inside for the rest of the afternoon. Despite her fascination with thunderbirds, she was drowsy and hungry, so she made herself a snack and waited for her dad to return. Soon he did, and after an early dinner and a nighttime check on the thunderbirds, Ursula finally got to sleep, happy in her home away from home.

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