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The next day, Ursula woke to Gemma's irritated voice, complaining about how they had no time to get ready since classes started today.

"What are you talking about?" muttered Ursula. Gemma huffed.

"It's about settling into a routine," she said. "Otherwise my sleep schedule is off and I don't have enough time to study!"

"Whatever you say," said Ursula, rolling her eyes. She yawned and got out of bed. "You're taking Care of Magical Creatures, Arithmancy, and Ancient Runes, right?"

The question relaxed Gemma ever so slightly.

"Yes," she said. "I'll wait for you to head up for breakfast, but you'd better hurry up."

Once Ursula was ready, she grabbed her bag — crammed full of all her textbooks, as there was no telling which she might need — and followed Gemma out the door.

"How was your holiday?" asked Ursula as they climbed the winding stairs. "You went to France, correct?"

Gemma nodded.

"It was lovely," she said. "We spent lots of time at the beach and mother and I went shopping."

The Great Hall was half full when they entered, and Ursula sat down next to Cassius, who had fallen asleep.

"Cassius," she said, prodding his shoulder. "Cassius!"

His head shot up from the table.

"Wha...?" he asked groggily, looking around. "I wasn't asleep!"

"Whatever you say, Sleeping Beauty," said Ursula. Gemma giggled.

"I didn't sleep well," grumbled Cassius, pulling a bowl of oatmeal towards him. Alexander, his roommate, shot him a glare from across the table.

"Archibald always croaks on the first night," said Alexander stiffly. Archibald was the name of his toad.

"Well you better pray he doesn't do it tonight," said Cassius. "Wish we learned Silencing Charms now instead of in fifth year."

Adrian and Jacob soon joined them, followed by Lilian and Vanessa, and soon Daria, Sophie, Edward, and Philip were there as well. At the end of breakfast, Professor Snape handed out their schedules.

"A free period now, excellent," said Ursula, scanning hers. "I can put my extra books away. And then... Astronomy, wonderful... ooh, Care of Magical Creatures... History of Magic... Ancient Runes and a free period before dinner!"

She compared hers to Vanessa, who didn't have Ancient Runes and had Divination in the free period before dinner.

"Does everyone have a free period now?" asked Philip.

"Not me," said Lilian. "I have Muggle Studies."

"You're actually taking that class?" said Vanessa, amazed.

"Yes," said Lilian with a huff.

"Do you want me to take your extra books back to your dorm?" asked Ursula. "I'm going back anyway since I don't have a class."

"Would you?" said Lilian, relieved. "That would be great."

She pulled seven total books from her bag and stacked them on the table.

"Thanks again," she said, before leaving the Great Hall.

"Let me help you with those," said Adrian, taking half of them from Ursula.

"Always such a gentleman," she teased.

"Aren't I just?" he said.

After their free period they had a daytime Astronomy class, where Professor Sinistra explained the rotations of the planets. Then it was time for Care of Magical Creatures, the class Ursula was most looking forward to.

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