The End of Year Exams

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"Just a week of exams and then we're done," said Adrian. "I can't wait to go home. Don't get me wrong, I love Hogwarts, but I've had just about enough History of Magic for one year."

"Here's your schedule," said Ursula. She scanned her own exam schedule to make sure she had everything copied down correctly.


9 o'clock, Transfiguration

1 o'clock, Arithmancy


9 o'clock, Charms

1 o'clock, History of Magic

3 o'clock, Ancient Runes


9 o'clock, Potions

1 o'clock, Care of Magical Creatures

11 o'clock, Astronomy


9 o'clock, Herbology


9 o'clock, Defense Against the Dark Arts

It was Saturday, two days before their exams began and two weeks before they would be home for the summer. Ursula hoped all would be smooth sailing so she could concentrate on her exams.

"Mail's here," said Lilian, as a barrage of owls came swooping into the Great Hall.

Aside from her usual delivery of the Daily Prophet, an owl from the Hogsmeade Post Office arrived, dropping a letter in front of her written in her father's hand.

Dear Ursula,

I've made arrangements for you to stay with me in Phoenix this summer. I'll come to England in a few weeks to get you, and we'll fly in a Muggle airplane to America together. How does that sound? You'll be staying with me for three weeks in July. I've given Narcissa and Lucius all of the necessary information and I can't wait to see you!

I've told Tony all about you, and I hope you are as excited to meet him as he is to meet you. Magic fascinates him and I even introduced him to Alfred and some of the other thunderbirds. We have so much planned for your visit.

Good luck on your exams. I know you'll do great!



Ursula grinned and showed the letter to Lilian.

"An airplane?" she said enviously. "You have to tell me all about your trip, especially all the Muggle things you do. I'd love to go to America."

"One day I'll bring you with me," said Ursula.

The excitement of her upcoming trip kept Ursula in high spirits, so she was ready for her first exam Monday morning. Blossom however, was not.

"I'm going to fail," repeated Blossom over and over all morning. Ursula sat with her at breakfast to help her practice, but her bigger mission was to calm her friend down.

"No you're not," said Ursula once again. "You've studied and practiced and you can do this. Say 'I can do it.'"

"I can do it," said Blossom.

"Say it again. Take a deep breath."

"I can do it," repeated Blossom.

Blossom and Ursula kept this up all the way to Transfiguration, and only when they were outside the door did Blossom turn around and say, "I can't do it."

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