Care of Magical Creatures

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"I can't do it. It's stupid and pointless and I give up."

"Great attitude," remarked Ursula dryly, reaching over and plucking the book from Cassius's hands. He sunk lower into his seat.

"Why do we have to start studying now? Exams aren't until June," he complained.

"It may only be March, but there's a lot to review," said Ursula. "Besides, you asked for my help. History of Magic is your worst subject."

"You're right," said Cassius, sitting up begrudgingly. "I did ask for your help. But History of Magic is the worst! It's so boring."

"Professor Binns certainly doesn't try to make his classes engaging," conceded Ursula. "But the actual history is fascinating. You just have to find something that interests you and go from there. How about the Giant Wars?"

"Alright," said Cassius, taking the book back. "Those are pretty interesting."

"Good," said Ursula.

She helped Cassius for the remainder of the free period. Lilian was in Muggle Studies and the rest of the Slytherins were either doing homework or enjoying the nice weather.

"Come on," said Ursula when the bell rang. "Let's see what Professor Kettleburn has in store for us today."

Care of Magical Creatures was their last class of the day, and as it was a Friday they were looking forward to the weekend, which included a Hogsmeade visit. When they arrived — outside this time — they found a hump backed creature the size of a small horse waiting for them. It had two long horns and thumbed feet and ran round and round in its enclosure.

"What is it?" asked Adrian, looking expectantly at Ursula.

"A Graphorn," she answered, her eyes fixed on it. "A young one, based on its size. Adults are large enough for trolls to ride. They have hides tougher than a dragon's, repel most spells, and their horns are very valuable ingredients for potions. I don't know what Professor Kettleburn was thinking as they're —"

"Gather round!" shouted Professor Kettleburn, gesturing to them all to stand closer to the pen.

"— very dangerous," finished Ursula under her breath.

"Today, I brought in a young male Graphorn —"

"Uh, Professor?" said Dennis Moon, raising his hand.

"Just a moment Moon. Now, Graphorns —"

"Professor?" This time it was Lorna Raynott who interrupted.

"Hold on to your question, Ms. Raynott. Now, where was I —"

"Professor Kettleburn!" said Cassius loudly. "Look out!"

He just had time to dive out of the way as the Graphorn charged the fence, breaking through it and scattering the students, who screamed.

"Catch him!" shouted Professor Kettleburn, scrambling to his feet and chasing after the Graphorn as he ran back and forth among the class.

Several students lunged and missed as he passed while others retreated further away; the Weasley twins managed to get on his back for a few seconds but the Graphorn bucked and threw them off. He knocked over Cedric and Simon Morrow and nearly trampled Angelina Johnson and Caoimhe Ryan. The third years brought out their wands, but they didn't know any spells that would work and anything they did try just bounced off the Grahorn's thick hide.

"Maybe we can get it back in the pen," said Ursula, winded after chasing after him. "For the most part he goes around the students."

"Create a chain to change his direction," said Adrian. "It's worth a shot."

The two of them, along with Lilian, Jacob, Cassius, three Hufflepuffs, a Ravenclaw, and Lee Jordan and the Weasley twins, formed a line, standing a little apart and angling towards the broken pen, where they could get Professor Kettleburn to mend the fence if they just got the Graphorn inside. Speaking of Professor Kettleburn, he was chasing red faced after the beast and making just as little progress as everyone else.

The Graphorn came charging towards them, his head lowered like a battering ram.

"This isn't going to work," said Ursula.

For a second, it seemed like it might, as the Graphorn changed direction near Lee Jordan and headed towards the pen. But then the Graphorn snorted, shook his head, and broke through the line, slamming into Ursula and Miles Sloper.

She flew through the air, hitting the ground with a thump that knocked her breath out of her. Her friends ran over and Cedric helped her sit up.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Fine," she wheezed. "Just bruised."

"There he goes!" shouted Jacob, and Ursula turned in time to see the Graphorn disappear into the Forbidden Forest.

"That's it," said Gemma. "I'm dropping Care of Magical Creatures."

Professor Kettleburn looked pale as he came running up to them.

"Ms... Black... Sloper... are you... all right?" he puffed. Miles groaned.

"Fine, Professor," he said, getting to his feet.

"Professor, maybe everyone the Graphorn ran into should go to the Hospital Wing," suggested Blossom. "You know, just in case."

"Very well, Ms. Ash," said Professor Kettleburn. "I think that would be wise. Class dismissed. Let me know how, er, everyone is."

"Let me help you," said Cassius, offering Ursula a hand. "You got hit pretty hard."

"Thanks," she said, wincing as she got to her feet. Many of the students struggled towards the Hospital Wing. Luckily, no one was bleeding or had any broken bones, but quite a few of them sustained bruises.

"There we go," said Madam Pomfrey, handing Ursula a bright pink potion. "Drink up. Your shoulder will be sore for a few days, and the bruise on your chest and arm won't go away immediately, but that'll ease the pain. Try not to move your arm too much for the next day or two."

She bustled over to the next student, muttering, "I don't know what he thinks he's doing. Putting students in danger."

The next day, there was much talk among the third years about Professor Kettleburn as they headed into Hogsmeade. Ursula tried to follow Madam Pomfrey's instructions and winced every time she had to move her arm.

"Professor Dumbledore put him on probation," said Lilian as they stroked up the street towards Madam Puddifoot's. Vanessa has practically begged that they come here and have tea together and they had finally agreed.

"I went to Professor Snape and dropped the class," said Gemma. "I didn't sign up to get hurt."

"What is this place?" asked Lilian in a horrified voice as they stepped inside. The colorful decorations weren't the problem. It was the lace. And the frills. And the almost sickening smell of perfume that hung in the air.

"Cute, isn't it?" said Vanessa, mistaking Lilian's question for sincere. "I'd love to come here on a date someday."

Lilian snorted as a waitress led them to a lace covered table.

"I don't see what's wrong with the Three Broomsticks," she said, although quietly so Vanessa wouldn't hear.

"I'd have to agree," said Gemma, wrinkling her nose.

"It's not so bad, is it?" said Ursula encouragingly, but both girls nodded to say it was that bad. Truth be told, it wasn't her idea of fun either, but she always enjoyed having tea and she didn't want to diminish Vanessa's enthusiasm. "The real question is, will Professor Kettleburn be fired?"

"I think if he tones his lessons down he'll be safe," said Lilian. "My dad told me he's been put on probation, like, sixty times."

"Maybe he'll finally retire," said Ursula.

"Anything's possible," said Gemma. "But I'm not going back. Vanessa dear, how about you order?"

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