The Governess

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The news that Ursula was to be the heir to the House of Black surprised Lucius, but not as much as it had surprised Narcissa. Lucius took a long, slow drink of wine when Narcissa told him, after the children went up to bed. After all, as he put it, she was a logical choice if she could be raised with the Black family ideals and it would undo the damage done by the circumstances of her birth.

"That's exactly what my mother said," said Narcissa, pursing her lips.

"She's right," replied Lucius. "Which isn't something I say a lot. This makes Ursula's education even more important."

One year later, shortly after Ursula's fifth birthday, the Malfoys hired a governess for Ursula. All of the candidates had gone though a rigorous screening progress, including background checks and proof of parentage. Finally they had chosen a middle aged, grey haired pureblood woman named Wilhelmina Tripe with a reputation for being strict and getting impeccable results. She had recommendations from the Yaxleys and the Burkes, whose eldest daughters had only just started at Hogwarts. Ursula wouldn't be alone in her studies, either.

"Ursula, this is Vanessa Shafiq."

Vanessa peered out from behind her father's legs. Like Ursula, she was petite and pale, but she had straight blonde hair, unlike Ursula's soft black curls. Her father gave her a gentle push forward.

"Hello," said Ursula softly.

"Hi," replied Vanessa with equal volume.

"Right then!" said her father, checking his watch. "I must get going, or else I'll be late for work. Lucius, Narcissa, always a pleasure." He and Lucius shook hands before Mr. Shafiq turned on his heel and left.

"It's time for me to go as well," said Lucius, pecking his wife on the cheek. "I have a meeting with the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, and then I have some items to retrieve."

Narcissa followed her husband to the door, leaving the girls alone. But before they could say anything more to one another, their governess, Madam Tripe, poked her head out of the library.

"Well?" she demanded, startling them both. "Are you going to stand there all day? We have work to do!"

Ursula and Vanessa looked at each other before scurrying quickly into the library. Madam Tripe was frightening, and they would have to stick together.

Madam Tripe taught them on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from nine in the morning until three o'clock in the afternoon, plus a half day on Tuesdays. Friday and Saturday evenings were for parties, where Ursula and Vanessa could put their lessons to use. Dinner the rest of the week was quiet unless they hosted Ministry officials or attended a dinner party at someone else's house.

On Tuesday afternoons Narcissa took Ursula to tea at her mother's, where Druella would spend time teaching Ursula about family history. On Fridays Narcissa would drop Ursula off at Andromeda's, and they would bake or play games or go on outings together ー always in the Muggle world, where Lucius would never see them. Ursula often went to Andromeda's on Sundays as well, as long as she was home in time to go to tea with a few family friends. Despite how dreadfully boring and stuffy these teas always were, Narcissa and Ursula went every week, as Narcissa considered it a proper and ladylike thing to do.

Nymphadora Tonks adored Ursula. She always gave her piggyback rides, she taught her how to climb trees, and Narcissa was pretty sure she taught Ursula how to ride a broom, though Lucius had already done so. At five years older than Ursula, Nymphadora left for Hogwarts when her cousin was just six, and those Friday visits were replaced by outings with Draco or Vanessa, to a nice park or to go shopping. Those were fun too, but they didn't hold a candle to when Nymphadora returned home for the summer. Ursula still saw Andromeda and Ted on Sundays, but it was always better with Nymphadora there.

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