Gryffindor vs. Slytherin

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On November eleventh, just over a week after Halloween, it was finally time for the first Quidditch match of the season: Gryffindor vs. Slytherin.

There was excitement in the air as the students headed outside, having donned warm scarves and hats to fight the chilly November air. The Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff students were largely neutral, and many stood with their friends in Gryffindor and Slytherin, both of whom were eager for victory. By eleven o'clock the entire school had piled into the stands around the Quidditch pitch. Many students had binoculars.

Madam Hooch was refereeing. She stood in the middle of the field waiting for the two teams, her broom in hand.

"I want a clean, fair game from all of you," she said, once they were all gathered around her. Charlie was the Gryffindor captain, and the Slytherin captain was a huge sixth year named Magnus Bole who played chaser. "Please mount your brooms."

Madam Hooch blew hard on her silver whistle. Fifteen brooms rose up high, high in the air, and they were off. The crowd cheered as the Quaffle was seized by a Slytherin chaser.

"Right away the Quaffle is taken by Ismelda Yaxley of Slytherin, an outstanding and rather good looking chaser —"


Ursula giggled as her cousin was reprimanded. Ismelda dodged a bludger and threw the Quaffle, making it past Oliver Wood, the Gryffindor keeper.

"And she scores! Ten points to Slytherin. The Gryffindors have the Quaffle now. It's Hattie Macdonald racing off down the pitch — neat pass to Florence Macdonald — Lily Adams has it now, she's looking to score — and Edwin Yaxley saves! Marcus Flint takes the Quaffle — he drops it! Bludger to the head by Logan Kirby of Gryffindor! Ismelda Yaxley catches it — toss to Magnus Bole — he shoots — he scores! Twenty-nil to Slytherin!"

Slytherin cheers filled the cold air, with howls and moans from the Gryffindors.

Over the course of the next hour and a half, Slytherin managed to score a total of eighteen times. Magnus Bole had made eight of the shots, Ismelda Yaxley seven, and Marcus Flint just three. Gryffindor, on the other hand, had only made three shots out of dozens of attempts, one shot from each of their three chasers. Oliver Wood had been knocked out half an hour back, which seriously hurt the Gryffindors. There had been little sign of the Snitch, but Slytherin's seeker was weak, and if Gryffindor caught the Snitch now or made just one more goal they'd tie.

"Marcus Flint scores!" shouted Nymphadora. "One ninety-thirty to Slytherin! He might want to watch where he's going, though, because — ooh! Two bludgers at once! One to the face, one to the stomach! Marcus Flint has fallen off his broom and I think that's it for him for this game! Florence Macdonald has the Quaffle — she passes to Florence Macdonald — intercepted by Magnus Bole! Ismelda Yaxley and Magnus Bole seem fine without Marcus Flint, as Ismelda Yaxley scores! Two hundred-thirty to Slytherin!"

The Gryffindors had accepted defeat and now just wanted it to be over, but it wouldn't end unless someone found the Snitch. Ursula thought the whole game was the most exciting thing she had ever seen, and she longed to play.

"The Macdonald twins have the Quaffle now! And they are looking quite marvelous! The real star here is Lily Adams — sorry Charlie Weasley but she's got you beat!"

"TONKS! Focus on the match!" reprimanded Professor McGonagall.

"Right, sorry Professor. Hattie Macdonald shoots — blocked by Edwin Yaxley! Bludger to the shoulder by Lucas Hawkins — he's hit the middle hoop — that's gotta hurt! His injury might give Gryffindor an edge! Oh but Ismelda Yaxley has the Quaffle — she dodges a bludger — pass to Magnus Bole — he dodges a bludger — ducks Lily Adams — and scores! Two hundred and ten to thirty! But what's this? It seems Charlie Weasley of Gryffindor has spotted the golden snitch!"

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