The Christmas Ball

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On Saturday, the Hogwarts students took carriages to Hogsmeade Station, where the Hogwarts Express was waiting for them. Ursula hefted the basket of kittens into her compartment, but as soon as she set it down, one of the kittens pushed open the top and sprang out, quickly followed by the others.

"Bloody hell," said Ursula, scooping up Sebastian and Octavia. "Here — hold them."

She shoved the kittens into Cassius's hands and hurried out into the corridor, scanning for the kittens and hoping they wouldn't get stepped on. Ursula quickly found Maximilian and Alastair, shaking her head as she lifted them quickly out of harm's way.

Valentine, the trouble-making leader of the group, had bounded too far ahead for Ursula to chase, both because of dignity and time.

"Hold it!" she said loudly, in her most authoritative voice, and everyone in the corridor halted, their heads turning to look at her. "Has anyone seen a black kitten?"

"Here!" called a sixth year Ravenclaw, Alex Sykes, holding the kitten in question high in the air. Ursula hurried through the crowd, who resumed their movement, and took Valentine from Alex, thanking him.

Now she had three kittens, with two more in her compartment with Cassius, which left just one missing.

"Here, kitty, kitty, kitty," called Ursula, trying to hold onto the three she was already holding as she searched for Penelope. She ended up asking around in other compartments if anyone had seen a black and white kitten.

Finding no success, Ursula headed in the opposite direction of where the rest of the kittens had run off, continuing her compartment-by-compartment search.

"Excuse me," said Ursula. "Has anyone seen —"

"This kitten?" said Rue. She was alone in the compartment save for Lee Jordan. She held up Penelope, who was purring in her hand.

"Yes," said Ursula, relieved. "Thank you, I'll take her."

Rue seemed hesitant to hand Penelope back to Ursula.

"You're, er, looking for homes for them, right?" she said.

"Yes, I am," said Ursula, sensing where this was going. "Penelope doesn't have a home yet."

"Penelope," said Rue, looking down at the kitten in her hand. She looked quickly up at Ursula, her eyes pausing on the other three kittens Ursula was struggling to hold. "Alright. I'll take her."

"Alright. If you're sure," replied Ursula. "Do you need a basket or anything?"

"No," said Rue shortly, before adding, "... thanks."

"You're welcome," said Ursula. "Take good care of her."

She left, carrying her armful of kittens back to her own compartment and detangling Valentine from where his claws had sunk into her sweater.

"Aren't you missing one?" said Cassius, still holding Sebastian and Octavia.

"She's been adopted," said Ursula breezily.

"How convenient," said Vanessa.

A few hours later, the Hogwarts Express pulled into Platform Nine and Three-Quarters. The students departed, wishing each other a happy Christmas or making plans to visit and finding their families.

"This is a nice surprise," said Ursula, when she stepped off the train to find Hadrian waiting for her. He gave her a quick kiss and immediately took her trunk and Agatha's cage, so she could better carry Betelgeuse and the kittens.

"It's a stroke of genius on my part, if you ask me," muttered Hadrian, grinning. "Your aunt and uncle were surprised to see me when they showed up, but look positively thrilled."

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