Madam Puddifoot's

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Ursula informed her friends of her father's engagement as soon as she returned to school, being vaguer in details to some than others. Draco was quite pleased to see her, and complained about being stuck at Hogwarts for the holidays.

Harry Potter's muggleborn friend was noticeably absent, so a rumor floated around for a few weeks that she had been petrified, but after Adrian went to the Hospital Wing with a broken nose after Quidditch practice, he said she'd been talking to Harry and Ron.

As they moved into February, the sun began to shine weakly on Hogwarts again. Inside the castle, the mood had grown more hopeful. There had been no more attacks since those on Justin Finch-Fletchley and Nearly Headless Nick, and Madam Pomfrey was pleased to report that the Mandrakes were becoming moody and secretive, meaning they were fast leaving childhood.

Everyone was pleased that the attacks had seemingly ceased, but they were considerably less pleased that Gilderoy Lockhart seemed to think he himself had made the attacks stop.

"I don't think any of you need to worry," he said airily, after one particularly useless Defense Against the Dark Arts class. He tapped his nose knowingly. "I think the Chamber has been locked for good this time. The culprit must have known it was only a matter of time before I caught him. Rather sensible to stop now, before I came down hard on him."

Cassius passed a note to Vanessa, who handed it to Ursula, who unfolded it, revealing a crude drawing of Professor Lockhart being eaten by Slytherin's monster, which Cassius interpreted as a dragon-esque creature. She had to cover her mouth to conceal her giggles.

"You know, what the school needs now is a morale-booster. Wash away the memories of last term!" continued Professor Lockhart. "I won't say any more, because I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise, but I know just the thing..."

He winked and tapped his nose again. The bell rang, and he walked them all to the Great Hall for a study period. Being escorted everywhere by a teacher was a terrible waste of time, and if they were attacked on the way to class, how could Professor Lockhart possibly defend them?

"So, there's a Hogsmeade trip on Saturday..." said Vanessa pointedly, staring at Ursula as they sat down to study. "It is the closest one to Valentine's Day..."

"Mmhm." Ursula wasn't really paying attention. She had a ghastly essay to finish for Professor Snape and a long set of translations for Ancient Runes, and she'd have no time to do either later because of Quidditch practice.

"You haven't gone to Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop yet," continued Vanessa. When neither Ursula or Adrian responded she exclaimed, "For Merlin's sake, Adrian, take her on a date to Madam Puddifoot's!"

"Oh..." said Adrian, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "Um..."

Ursula felt a pit in her stomach. Was it worth going on another date with him when — no, another date would be fine.

"We can talk about this later," she said, managing to keep the snap of irritation out of her voice. She focused on her essay, and did not look up until the bell rang and they were walked to the Care of Magical Creatures classroom.

Professor Kettleburn stomped into the classroom, his face flushed.

"I," he began, sounding very annoyed, "have once again been put on probation."

He did not say what for, and no one dared to ask. They spent the rest of the period taking notes on grindylows. Eventually Adrian whispered, "Do you?"

"Do I what?" hissed Ursula back.

"You know," said Adrian. "Do you want to go on a date on Saturday? To Madam Puddifoot's?"

That lump in Ursula's stomach returned.

"Sure, why not?" she replied, trying to focus on copying the drawing Professor Kettleburn had put on the board.

"Okay," said Adrian. "Cool."

Saturday arrived, and this time Ursula did wear a dress, a lovely pale pink one patterned with little white hearts, and a matching pink headband. It was a sunny day, and she needed nothing more than a light cardigan to fight the slight chill outside. She met Adrian in the entrance hall like normal, and they strolled into Hogsmeade in near silence.

"You look very nice," said Adrian.

"Thank you," Ursula replied. "You look nice as well."


They held hands for a while, but something about it felt strange, so they stopped. What little conversation they had felt stilted, and that pit in Ursula's stomach was back. They headed through Hogsmeade, passing the Weasley twins and Lee, who waved and heckled them good-naturedly.

If Ursula thought Madam Puddifoot's was frilly before, it was nothing compared to what it looked like for Valentine's Day. The frills and lace and bows had been upped a notch, and everything was pink and red and white. Golden cherubs hung over each of the cramped tables, occasionally showering pink confetti over the people sitting below them. This was more irritating than romantic, however, as the confetti often landed in people's drinks.

Adrian and Ursula squeezed their way through the crowded tables, occupied by couples holding hands or kissing over cups of tea. They sat in silence until Madam Puddifoot bustled over with a beaming grin, delivering a steaming china teapot and matching cups.

They sipped their tea in awkward silence, staring at the couples around them to avoid each other. When Ursula drained her cup, she spoke.

"I think we should break up."

Adrian gaped, frowned, and then, after a moment, nodded.

"I've been thinking the same thing myself," he said slowly. "It's nothing you did, it's just..."

"Awkward," supplied Ursula. "You did nothing wrong either, but this was the first relationship for both of us."

"Yeah," agreed Adrian. "We had a good run, but I think it's time."

"We can still be friends, right?" asked Ursula.

"Definitely," said Adrian, nodding.

"I'm going to go, if that's okay," said Ursula. "I can pay for myself."

"No, no, let me," said Adrian. "I'll see you back at the castle?"

"Yes," said Ursula. "Bye Adrian."

"Bye Ursula."

She stood, squeezed her way back through the maze of tables and left, ignoring the stares she got from the other couples. Ursula walked through Hogsmeade, feeling as if a pressure had lifted from her shoulders. She didn't feel like going to any of the other shops, so she headed back up the path towards Hogwarts. To her surprise, she found herself tearing up a little, not out of sadness but an excess of emotion. An amicable breakup was still raw.

"Hey, Black!" called Fred, jogging up on one side of her.

"Whatcha doing?" added George, coming up on her other side.

"Where's Adrian?" asked Lee, joining them last.

"Hello boys," said Ursula, mustering up a small smile. "I'm heading back to Hogwarts. Adrian and I broke up."

"Oh, really?" said George.

"Sorry to hear that," added Lee.

"Are you... doing okay?" asked Fred hesitantly.

"Yeah, I'm fine." A real smile, though still small and a little sad, worked its way onto her face. "Nice talking to you, boys."

They stopped walking and she kept going, walking down the winding path alone in her pretty pink dress.

"George, Lee, I have an idea," said Fred as they watched Ursula walk away.

"What is it, Freddie?" asked George.

"I think our friend Black needs a bit of cheering up," Fred replied. "And I know just how to do it."

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