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"Hello Dobby," said Ursula as she passed the elf in the hallway. "What have you got there?"

"N-Nothing, Mistress Ursula!" squeaked Dobby, his eyes even larger than usual.

"Alright," said Ursula, a little surprised by his reaction. He had been acting strange all summer, but she wasn't sure if anyone else noticed it and she didn't like to pry.

It was the end of July, nearly two weeks after she had returned from America. Her father had gotten the pictures developed while in England and she couldn't wait to show them to her friends when they met for tea tomorrow. In the time since her return she'd played an amount of Quidditch that Madam Tripe wouldn't approve of, and Great Aunt Cassiopeia had even taken her to a Puddlemere United game. A framed — and signed! — photo of her meeting the team hung above her desk and would be coming with her to Hogwarts.

Ursula's grandfather had recently been diagnosed with dragon pox and she had visited him every day in Corvus Manor. He wasn't very old, as far as wizards go, and Dimsey and Helgie were taking fine care of him, but dragon pox was a fairly common maladie for the elderly. Cygnus kept requesting to speak with Ursula and filled their time together with stories and knowledge that he thought she should know. Cygnus may have wanted her to be a lady, but he certainly didn't hold back when it came to telling her about the dark arts. Today was no different.

"After all," said Cygnus, his voice slightly raspy, "this will all be yours one day, and you must understand what knowledge and power lies in this house."

Ursula sat in a chair beside his bed, listening to him talk and sipping her tea. Cygnus insisted he was fine, but his family and the Healers from St. Mungo's disagreed.

"A lady should know of the dark arts," he continued. "One hopes she would never use such knowledge, but it is important for her to possess it all the same. You, my dear, will make a great lady. Of that I am sure."

A rattling cough overtook him, and Ursula told the house elves to make sure he got some rest. She promised she would return on Sunday and Flooed back to Malfoy Manor, slightly shaken by tea with her grandfather.

She mentioned none of this on Saturday, when a still-on-edge Dobby Apparated her to Pucey Manor. Adrian lived on a sizable estate outside of Cambridge, surrounded by thick, tall trees. Before Ursula could ring the doorbell the front doors swung open.

"Hey Ursula!"

"Adrian! It's so good to see you!" said Ursula, giving him a hug.

"Is that Ursula Black?"

Their hug was interrupted by Adrian's mother Georgina, who seemed overly excited to see her.

"Hello, Mrs. Pucey," said Ursula, stepping away from Adrian. "How are you?"

"Excellent dear, you're a doll for asking," said Georgina. "Call me Georgina. What brings you here?"

"Mother, I invited Ursula, Cassius, and Lilian over to hang out," said Adrian. "If you'll excuse us, we'll be upstairs. I told Madby to let our friends in and serve tea in the garden."

"Nice to see you, Mrs. Pucey!" said Ursula as she followed Adrian up the stairs.

"You as well, dear! And call me Georgina!"

They walked through the manor to Adrian's room, passing through hallways lined with portraits. Adrian's brother came out of his room as they passed.

"Hello Ursula," said Lachlan. He was carrying a heavy stack of books. "Adrian said you were coming."

"Hello Lachlan," greeted Ursula. "What have you got there?"

"This and that," said Lachlan. "I want to be prepared for anything. Seventh year is the most important one, you know."

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