Cassiopeia Black

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March 27th, 1971

"It's almost time," squealed Cassiopeia, shutting the door behind her. "Oh, Bella, I can't believe you're getting married."

"The eldest always marries first," said Bellatrix smugly.

"Don't slouch, Bella," snapped their mother, Druella. "Cassiopeia, help her with her necklace."

"I'll do that," volunteered Narcissa, moving from her place by the windowsill to help Bellatrix clasp the pearl necklace around her neck.

"The guests have all arrived," said Andromeda, entering the room. "And I've checked with the groom, and he's ready when you are."

"Is he here?" asked Bellatrix. Andromeda pursed her lips.

"Who?" said Cassiopeia.

"The Dark Lord, of course," said Narcissa, who had returned to the window. "Bella fancies him."

"Cissy, I do not!" said Bellatrix, though her cheeks had gone pink.

"Nor should you," said Druella, in a most disapproving tone of voice.

"I admire him, that's all," said Bellatrix. "And what he's doing for purebloods like us."

Druella nodded in agreement.

"Well, let's not leave Rodolphus waiting," she said, standing up and smoothing her dress. "Girls, go downstairs and wait with Rabastan. I want a word with your sister about marriage."

"Good luck," said Cassiopeia, giggling.


July 29th, 1972

"Andy, where is my —"

Cassiopeia stopped short as the door to her sister's room banged open, and she saw the unmistakable signs of packing.

"What are you doing?"

"Shut the door," said Andromeda. "Cassie, shut the door."

Cassiopeia did as she was told, sniffling as she perched on the edge of Andromeda's bed, leaning against one of the carved wooden posts.

"What are you doing?" she repeated.

"Packing," admitted Andromeda after a moment. "I'm leaving."

"But — but you're not married!" protested Cassiopeia. "You can't leave!"

"I'm nineteen, and I very much can," said Andromeda. "I'm not married yet, but I plan to be. That's why I'm leaving."

"Because of Ted?" said Cassiopeia. "That boy who was keen on you at school? The one you made me promise to never tell Mother and Father about?"

"The muggleborn, yes," said Andromeda, throwing more things into her trunk.

"You can't marry him!" exclaimed Cassiopeia. Andromeda shushed her. "You'll be disowned."

"I'm counting on it," muttered Andromeda. "And I don't care. I love him, and he loves me, and we're getting married. One week from today."

"You can't leave," repeated Cassiopeia, her eyes welling with tears. "What am I supposed to do without you?"

"Oh Cassie," said Andromeda, and she pulled her into a hug. "I'll still be here for you... just not for anyone else. You just have to be brave, alright? Brave and strong."

Cassiopeia gulped and nodded, wiping her eyes.

"W-When are you l-leaving?" she asked.

"Tuesday," said Andromeda.

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