Slytherin vs. Ravenclaw

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"Well done!"

Ursula grinned at Professor McGonagall in bear form, showing off her sharp teeth. Professor McGonagall looked both stunned and proud, and she was positively beaming as Ursula transformed back into a human.

"You have truly accomplished a difficult feat, Ms. Black," said Professor McGonagall. "Fifty points to Slytherin, I'd say, and I'll let the Animagus Registry know at once. You should be very, very proud of yourself, as I am."

"Thank you," said Ursula, her heart swelling from the praise.

"Though I doubt you are the kind of student to show off your abilities, I will advise against it anyway," said Professor McGonagall. "However, I encourage you to show your friends what you've accomplished. You may go, Ms. Black. You are a very bright and capable witch."

Ursula thanked her again and practically skipped off to the dungeons. It wasn't until she neared the common room that she realized she was still dripping wet, so she headed straight to her dorm to shower, successfully avoiding her friends' persistent badgering about where she'd been for the rest of the afternoon by staying holed up in her dorm. She then answered their questions at dinner as annoyingly vague as she could, until at last they gave up and agreed to let her tell them before that night's meeting of the League of Laurels.

The very last thing her friends were expecting when they walked into Dungeon Six was a black bear lounging in front of the fireplace. Vanessa shrieked and Cassius pulled out his wand as the bear got up and padded towards them.

"Stup —"

"Don't tell me you were going to jinx me?" said Ursula, changing back into a person before Cassius could finish the spell. Vanessa shrieked again. The other three looked flabbergasted.

"Ursula, what —" began Adrian.

"How did you —" continued Cassius.

"You're an Animagus?" squeaked Lilian, cutting them both off. "This is amazing! Why didn't you tell us?"

"I just did, didn't I?" said Ursula, grinning. "I wanted it to be a surprise."

"A surprise? Ursula, I'm amazed!" said Cassius. "How long have you been planning this? Don't you have to hold a leaf in your mouth for a whole month or something?"

Ursula nodded.

"I started the day before we came to school," she said. Adrian's jaw dropped.

"You've kept it secret from us for that long?" he said incredulously.

"Actually, I asked Professor McGonagall at the end of last year," said Ursula.

"You have to tell us the whole story," demanded Lilian. "Immediately."

So she did. Ursula explained how she kept the leaf in her mouth, how she got up every morning to see the sunrise, and, most importantly, how she transformed.

"Why?" asked Vanessa.

"I wanted to see if I could," answered Ursula honestly.

"I've never doubted your Transfiguration skills, but I certainly won't doubt them now," said Cassius.

"Was it hard?" asked Adrian.

"Very," answered Ursula. "But enough about me, we have work to do."

"Right," said Cassius. "Which spell should we start with today, Impedimenta or Stupefy?"


"Ms. Black, if you could just transform so we can take note of your unique markings," directed Mrs. Rook.

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