The First Task

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Ursula hadn't even made it to breakfast the next morning, still thinking about dragons, when Cedric stopped her in the entrance hall.

"Hey Cedric, what's up?" she said. "Are you ready for the first task tomorrow?"

"Er, yeah, that's actually what I want to talk to you about," he said. He gestured towards an alcove a little off the hall, and Ursula followed him over to it. "So, the first task is, uh..."

Ursula waited. Cedric seemed not to know how to say it.

"I know it's dragons," said Ursula. "Hagrid took us to see them yesterday."

Cedric looked relieved.

"Harry told me yesterday," he said. "I'm glad you already know. I was up late last night researching spells that could help me. I found one about transforming a rock into a dog, and I think I could distract the dragon that way, but it's really complicated. I was hoping you could help me."

"Sure," said Ursula, smiling. "Er — I don't have any free periods today, but we could practice during lunch and before dinner?"

"Sounds great. Thank you so much," said Cedric. "You're the best."

"I'm happy to help," said Ursula.

She headed into the Great Hall and took her seat at the Slytherin table.

"Morning," said Cassius, his jaw popping as he yawned.

"Anything interesting in the paper?" asked Ursula, as her own copy arrived. Adrian shrugged.

"Nothing much," he said. "Pass the sausages, please."

Ursula also received two letters — one from Narcissa and Lucius, and the other —

"Hadrian?" said Ursula, holding up the letter she had just received from an unfamiliar tawny owl. "Why is your mother writing to me?"

Hadrian's head shot up. He had been snoozing on his arms.

"Here, let me see —"

But Ursula kept the letter out of his reach, giggling playfully. She shoved him out of the way and opened it, her smile dying.

Dearest Ursula,

I hope this letter will not be seen as an imposition or taken as offence, because I truly mean to wish you all the best and only hope to provide you with some guidance. Montgomery and I are wonderfully pleased to hear that you and Hadrian have begun the courtship process but I must caution you not to move too quickly.

You see, we have received reports of our son visiting you in your common room. While I do not mean to imply that anything improper took place, you know how frightful gossip can be. Perhaps the somewhat inferior circumstances of your birth have led you to feel the need to secure a husband quickly. Never fear, dear. You and Hadrian will make a fine match all in due time, and there is no need to rush into anything.

I also wonder if this sudden move is due to any outside pressure, but I shall assure myself that you understand the proper way to do this sort of thing. Rest assured that I am only thinking of what's best for you and your reputation. I look forward to hearing more news on the progression of your and Hadrian's relationship.

All the best,

Anastasia Rowle

"Your mother thinks I'm a slut," announced Ursula.

"What?" said Hadrian, choking on his orange juice. Across the table, Cassius exploded into laughter and Lilian dissolved into giggles. Ursula handed Hadrian the letter.

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