The Boy Who Lived

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"Ursula, wake up! Look, my letter came!"

Ursula rubbed the sleep out of her eyes as Draco jumped up and down beside her bed, waving a yellow envelope with the address written in emerald green ink.

"Are you going to open it or just stand there waving it about all day?" she asked dryly.

Draco practically tore open the envelope, pulling out the two pieces of parchment within.

"This means we can finally go to Diagon Alley," he said. "We should go today."

"That's up to your mother and father," said Ursula. "Why don't you go ask them, and I'll be down for breakfast in a minute?"

He took her suggestion and left her room. Ursula yawned, her jaw popping, and got dressed. If Draco's letter had arrived then hers surely would have as well. Draco was whining when she arrived downstairs, and she gathered that they would not be going to Diagon Alley today, as she had expected.

"Don't whine, Draco," said Lucius. "You're above such things. I have a very important meeting with the Minister for Magic today. Tomorrow you and Ursula will accompany Narcissa to your grandfather's house."

"Then when can we go?" asked Draco.

"How about next Thursday?" suggested Lucius. "That works for you, Ursula, does it not?"

Ursula nodded.

"I'm visiting my father on Saturday and Sunday, I have lessons with Madam Tripe on Monday and Wednesday, Aunt Narcissa is taking me to visit Aunt Cassiopeia on Tuesday, and we have tea with the Rowles on Wednesday," she listed. Truth be told, she was actually visiting Andromeda, Ted, and Nymphadora and her dad would be joining them, but Lucius didn't need to know that.

"It's settled then," said Lucius before Draco could whine anymore. He unfolded his newspaper with a snap.

"A letter for Mistress Ursula," said Weezy. She held up a small silver platter, on which was Ursula's letter and an engraved letter opener.

"Thank you Weezy," said Ursula. She picked up the letter and lifted the wax seal, having no need for the letter opener. She pulled out three sheets of parchment. The one on top read:

Hogwarts School

of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock,

Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards.)

Dear Ms. Black,

Please note that the new school year will begin September 1st. The Hogwarts Express will leave from King's Cross Station, Platform Nine-and-Three-Quarters, at eleven o'clock.

Third years are permitted to visit the village of Hogsmeade on certain weekends. Please give the enclosed form to your parent or guardian to sign. A list of books for next year is enclosed.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

"Uncle Lucius," said Ursula. "Would you please sign my Hogsmeade permission form?"

"Sure," he said, before snapping, "Quill!" at Dobby, who hurried to oblige.

"Cheer up," said Ursula to Draco, who was stirring his oatmeal dejectedly. "You've got your letter, haven't you? This week will go by fast, you'll see."

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