The Astronomy Tower

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The week after Slytherin's loss passed slowly. Weighing heavily on everyone's mind was the attack on Colin Creevey, who was lying as though dead in the Hospital Wing. The air was thick with rumor and suspicion, and the first years travelled in tight-knit groups, scared they would be attacked if they ventured forth alone.

Meanwhile, hidden from the teachers, a roaring trade in talismans, amulets, and other protective devices was sweeping the school. A number of older Slytherins in particular were profiting handsomely by selling fancy — and completely useless — antique trinkets to gullible younger students.

On Saturday, Ursula and Adrian went on another, this time more informal, date, accompanied by Lilian and Cassius. Their relationship was a bit awkward but going well, as almost the only time outside of the occasional Hogsmeade trip that they spent 'romantically' together was when they studied or did homework next to each other, which wasn't romantic in the slightest.

The following Thursday, Ursula had a peculiar visitor.

She was halfway through helping Ivy collect Bubotuber pus when Professor Snape strode into Herbology, spoke briefly to Professor Sprout, and, to her surprise, beckoned to her.

"Black," he said. "Come with me."

Ursula shared a confused look with Ivy before wiping her hands, grabbing her bag, and following Professor Snape out the door. Draco was waiting for them in the castle, just as confused as Ursula, and they hurried after Professor Snape as he swept up the stairs. He didn't speak to either of them the whole way, and eventually Ursula realized he was taking them to the Headmaster's Office.

"Sherbet Lemon," said Professor Snape when they reached the ugly stown gargoyle guarding the tower. That was evidently the password, because the gargoyle sprang to life and hopped aside as the wall behind him split in two. Behind the wall was a spiral staircase that moved smoothly upward.

As Ursula, Draco, and Professor Snape stepped onto it, the wall thudded closed behind them. They rose upward in circles, higher and higher, until at last they saw a gleaming oak door ahead, with a brass knocker in the shape of a griffin. They stepped off the stone staircase at the top and Professor Snape rapped on the door. It opened silently and they entered.

Ursula had no time to observe the large circular room, decorated with portraits of old headmasters and headmistresses and filled with curious silver instruments on spindle-legged tables, because her attention was drawn to Professor Dumbledore, seated behind an enormous claw-footed desk, and the small house elf sitting in front of it.

"Ah, Ms. Black, Mr. Malfoy," said Professor Dumbledore, his face drawn and his eyes kind. "Please, take a seat. Thank you Severus, that will be all."

Professor Snape left. Ursula and Draco sat nervously in front of Professor Dumbledore's desk, both glancing at Cosmey, who was Great Aunt Cassiopeia's house elf.

"I assume you're both wondering why you're here," he said. "Cosmey, I think it would be better if you explained."

"Yes sir," said Cosmey in a squeaky voice. Her large brown eyes were filled with tears as she turned to face Ursula and Draco but she was remarkably composed. "It's Mistress Cassiopeia. She passed away this morning."

Ursula's heart thudded. She was sure she had misheard Cosmey.

"I'm sorry?" she said faintly, her voice higher than usual.

"I'm sure this comes as a great shock. My deepest condolences," said Professor Dumbledore kindly. "You both may return home as soon as you please with Cosmey here."

Ursula nodded stiffly, pressing her lips together to keep from crying.

Professor Dumbledore expressed his sympathies again as they left the room, quiet and in shock. Ursula hugged Draco when they were out of the tower, but he didn't seem as sad as she was. He was grieving, sure, but not to the level she was.

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