The Wedding

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Ursula called out to her father as soon as she saw him. He was standing with Tony and a stern woman in a skirt suit that reminded Ursula distinctly of her governess.

"Hello Ursula!" said Ken, catching her in a hug. "Have you gotten taller?"

Ursula giggled. It was how her father started every meeting, but in this case she had gotten taller, although not much since Christmas. Ken now had only half a foot on her, and Tony only three inches. She hugged him as well.

"Hello son," said Grandpa Laurie, giving Ken a hug. He and Grandma Maggie had arrived with Ursula, and he was already distinctly teary-eyed. According to his wife, he had cried during Uncle Bat's wedding as well. "Tony," he said, shaking his soon-to-be son-in-law's hand.

"Hello dears," said Grandma Maggie, hugging them both.

"Mom, Dad, Ursula, this is Eleanor Kelly, our wedding planner," said Ken, gesturing to the woman next to him.

"Nice to meet you all," she said, smiling as she shook each of their hands. She turned back to Ken and Tony, her voice brisk and businesslike. "I'll meet you tomorrow at the venue to finalize decorations, yes?"

"Yes," said Tony. "Nine o'clock."

Eleanor nodded, smiled to them all, and left. Ken slung an arm over Ursula's shoulders and led her inside Tony's house, taking her suitcase from her.

"Your room is upstairs," he said. "Mom, Dad, the guest bedroom is down the hall on the right. Honey, will you show them?"

"Yes dear," replied Tony, giving Ken a quick kiss on the cheek. He led Laurie and Maggie down the hall while Ken took Ursula upstairs.

"Where's Pepper?" asked Ursula.

"I knew you'd ask that," said Ken. "She and Sergeant are outside." He opened the door to Ursula's room. "I hope you like it."

The walls were a soft pink and the window and door frames were white. Yellow curtains embroidered with tiny pink flowers fluttered over the window, matching the bedspread and the pillows. The closet door was white, and Ken pointed to the flowers he had painted on as trim all the way around the room. There were even stars on the ceiling that glowed in the dark.

"It's wonderful," said Ursula. She began to unpack at once, but when she opened her closet door she found a red dress already hanging inside. She pulled it out, looking bemused.

"Do you like it?" asked Ken. "It's so you can be my maid of honor."


"Yes, really," said Ken with a laugh. "Who else?"

"Thanks dad," said Ursula, beaming. "The dress is lovely."

"School ended well, then? Aside from the attacks, I mean," said Ken, sitting on the end of the bed. Ursula nodded.

"Everyone recovered, and exams were cancelled as a treat," she replied. "We had a very strange midnight feast to celebrate. I've decided to become an Animagus. Oh, and we won the Quidditch Cup."

"Wait, what was that last part?"

"We won the Quidditch Cup."

"Congratulations, that's wonderful, but I mean before that," said Ken. "You've decided to become an Animagus?"

"Yes," said Ursula, closing her empty suitcase. "I discussed it with Professor McGonagall."

"You do know it can be very dangerous, right?" said Ken. "Something could go wrong during the transformation, or it might not work, or —"

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