The Trial

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"Welcome back to the Wizarding Wireless Network," said the reporter. "We're on the third week of the Death Eater trials, and though we've seen nothing but convictions since the trials began, those in court this week are likely to face a different fate. Of course, the most pressing question is, have these so-called defectors really done enough to distance themselves from He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named? Today's trial will hopefully answer our many burning questions about what really went on behind enemy lines."

The reporter, standing on the front steps of the Ministry, turned as a trio of well-dressed people hurried past him, photographers and journalists jockeying for position as they peppered the group with questions.

"And here we have the most talked-about participants in the trial. All slated to give testimony, Ursula Black, deservingly called by some the Heroine of the Second Wizarding War, leads junior consultant for the International Magical Office of Law Gemma Farley and legislative assistant Lewis Burke — Mr. Burke is himself a Death Eater, and is one of the nearly two dozen being tried today. Overseeing the case is Laurence Green, a relatively young lawyer from the International Magical Trading Standards Body. Now, why he has been chosen is anyone's guess, but for the three bright young minds heading into court today, this case could very well make a career for any one of them."

The reporter allowed himself a smile.

"Though, of course, I would be loathe to not mention that Ms. Black is already world-renowned for her groundbreaking contributions to the study of Transfiguration, and now for the stunning revelation that her father is the eldest grandson of the great Newt Scamander. For more on this, tune in on Channel 7. As for today's trial, ladies and gentlemen, we are about to witness the first legal use of veritaserum, a revolutionary and long overdue change to our legal system granted by new Minister for Magic Kingsley Shacklebolt. Prepare yourself to hear the truth behind the Dark Mark."

The reporter joined the throng of many others in the press as they entered the Ministry of Magic, sharing excited theories as they were shunted down to the courtroom, where the entire Wizengamot — save for those seats occupied by already-imprisoned Death Eaters — were gathered. The press box sat to one side, directly across the courtroom from where the lawyers for the defense sat.

No one envied the barristers hired for the prosecution. Even those who wished the defected young men ill knew that those prosecuting them would be fighting an uphill battle against the formidable Ursula Black and her colleagues. Despite being a relative newcomer, Gemma Farley had already made a name for herself as a persistent and tenacious legislator, and early reports showed Lewis Burke had inherited his father's charm and logical mind.

The courtroom was packed by the time the trial was set to begin. For several weeks, it had been just the same, with Death Eaters, Snatchers, a handful of werewolves, and their allies tried and sentenced to a year, ten years, twenty years, or life in Azkaban. Their trials had been well attended, full of hurt and angry viewers eager to see justice done.

But the crowd that gathered now was different.

Facing the floor of the courtroom sat the Wizengamot, with Kingsley Shacklebolt at the very forefront in the judge's seat. There was a line of Aurors on either side of him, just in case. To the left of the Wizengamot, the first six rows were filled with witnesses ready to give testimony, from numerous elegant young women to the Boy Who Lived himself. Behind them crowded members of the public, from the bereaved to the families of the accused to Hogwarts students and professors. Reporters from every newspaper in the country — and many outside of it — occupied the seats to the left of the Wizengamot. There were so many people eager to watch the trial that every available standing space was occupied, until there was barely room to breathe.

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