Christmas Carols

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"I have decided," said Professor McGonagall on Wednesday afternoon, ten days after Slytherin's defeat, "that instead of having you all write essays over transfiguring objects into animals, you should put the theory into practice. Your assignment is to pick one of the spells listed here on the board, study the theory behind it, and attempt to transfigure the object in the last class before the holidays."

On the board behind her were six or so spells, ranging from birds to rabbits to fish to — dragons. Ursula instantly knew which one she wanted to do.

"This assignment is to be completed in pairs, and your partner is the person sitting next to you. You will be given time in class to work, but the majority of your studies must be on your own time. Are there any questions?"

No one could think of any, so she put them to work. Ursula turned to Cedric, her partner, so they could discuss which spell to do.

"Is there any you're particularly interested in?" he asked.

"How about Draconifers?" she suggested innocently.

"Sounds good to me," Cedric replied, grinning at her.

They informed Professor McGonagall of their choice and got to work studying the theory behind it. It was a difficult spell, more so than ones they had learned so far, but Ursula was confident they could do it.

"Do you want to work on it tomorrow, after Arithmancy?" said Cedric when the bell rang. "In the library?"

"Yeah, sounds good," Ursula said. She followed Lilian out the door and down the stairs to Potions.

"You're so lucky," said Vanessa as they descended deeper into the chilly dungeons.

"Why do you say that?"

"Everyone knows you and Cedric are top of the class in Transfiguration," answered Vanessa. "I got stuck with Jasper."

Jasper was a good friend of Cedric's, but Transfiguration was, putting it mildly, not his best subject. It wasn't Vanessa's best either, but she wasn't hopeless.

"What spell are you going to learn?" asked Lilian. "Gemma and I picked Avifors."

"Lapifors Spell," said Vanessa. "It seemed the easiest."

"We're doing Draconifers," said Ursula. Lilian snorted.

"Of course you are," she said.

They entered Potions, the coldest classroom in Hogwarts. Unfortunately, since it was only late November, it would get colder still.

"I don't see why we can't have a fire," said Lilian, her nose pink. Professor Snape had them all working individually to create a Girding Potion, and many students ran the risk of lighting themselves on fire with how close they stood to their cauldrons. "What step are you on?"

"Step six," answered Ursula. "Add one flying seahorse. Now I have to heat the potion until it turns turquoise."

"How do you always do it so fast?" complained Lilian. "I'm on step four: heat until the potion turns pink."

Ursula shrugged.

"I don't know," she said. "But look, yours is turning pink now."

While Lilian slowly added toasted dragonfly thoraxes until her potion turned a flaming shade of orange, Ursula did the same to her now-turquoise potion, dropping them in one by one until the potion turned purple.

On her other side, Fred and George's cauldrons were bubbling away and smoking heavily. Neither effects were in the instructions, and Ursula was getting nervous, but they assured her their potions wouldn't — or, at least, shouldn't — explode. Strangely, that did not make her any less nervous.

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