The Vanishing Cabinet

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Ursula could not breathe. Her father... her father was here, in Europe, in England, in her boyfriend's flat! Her mind raced as she tried to reason with his presence. She felt a sudden wave of tears rush to her eyes and had to rapidly blink them back.

"What — what are you doing here?" she managed.

"I came to celebrate your birthday," he said. She noticed then that in his hands he held a small, neatly wrapped box with a white bow.

"George, let's go down to the shop," said Fred awkwardly, tugging his brother out the door. He shot Ursula a comforting smile as he went.

Ursula sat across from her father. He held the box out to her with a small smile, and she accepted it with shaking hands. It was painful to unwrap it. She was so overcome that she felt as if she might vomit if she opened her mouth to speak. She couldn't face her father... but now he was here.

She slowly peeled back the wrapping paper, each motion bringing her closer and closer to tears. It was a jewelry box, small and ornate, pale yellow decorated with colorful flowers with vivid green stems. Ursula opened the lid, revealing a small, red dragon figurine that spread its wings as she opened the box.

"It's a bit juvenile, but I thought you'd like it," explained Ken tentatively. Ursula nodded. "I hope work is going well." She nodded again. "Ursula... why didn't you tell me?"

Ursula burst into tears.

She couldn't keep up the facade anymore. All the pressure, all the stress that had just been building for months boiled over and she collapsed, chest heaving as she sobbed into her hands. Ken immediately got up and sat beside her, rubbing her back comfortingly. He took the jewelry box from her and set it on the coffee table, then pulled her into his arms for a hug, rocking her back and forth as if she was still a child.

"Shh, it's okay little one..." he murmured, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "I'm not mad, I promise... I'm just worried about you... shh, it's okay..."

At last Ursula pulled back from her father, turning her head away from him momentarily so she could wipe her eyes and draw a shaky breath.

"I didn't... I couldn't... I can't lie to you," she managed at last. "I couldn't tell you the truth either."

"Why not?" said Ken. His tone was flat but kind, devoid of any anger.

"Because I don't want you to worry! Because if I tell you, I knew you would come back to England at once or — or try to intervene, or something!" Ursula threw her hands up in the air. She took another deep breath and said, "Because if you're in America, you're safe."

"It is not your responsibility to keep me safe," said Ken, firm but gentle. "And of course I'm going to worry about you, because you're engaged to a Death Eater and we're in the middle of a war! Avoiding my letters only makes me worry more, you know."

"I couldn't find the right words," admitted Ursula with a whimper. "Not in a letter, at least."

"Well, I'm here now, so try. Please," said Ken, covering her hand with his. "For me."

Ursula nodded tentatively.

"It's... not a pleasant tale," she warned. "And you have to promise not to intervene."

"I can't promise that," said Ken, shaking his head. "You know I can't."

"But it was worth a try anyway," murmured Ursula, more to herself than him, before she said, "I hardly know where to start." She was quiet for a moment, and then said, "Hadrian and I aren't really engaged. We never actually dated, either. It's... all been a lie."

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