The Quidditch World Cup

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"Alright," said Lucius, checking his watch, "I believe it's time to go. Is everyone ready?"

"Yes, Father," said Draco eagerly. Ursula nodded. She and Draco took Weesy's hand so Weesy could Apparate them from Malfoy Manor to the Quidditch World Cup.

It was clear they were standing in a forest when they arrived, with Lucius and Narcissa a few feet away. Weesy Disapparated, and all around them Ursula saw other wizards and witches appearing at random, crunching twigs underfoot. As they walked through the forest, the noise of thousands of people gathered together, teeming with excitement, reached their ears.

They walked for a while through the crowded fields, passing long rows of tents and large crowds of people. Most looked almost ordinary; their owners had clearly tried to make them as Muggle-like as possible, but had slipped up by adding chimneys, or bellpulls, or weather vanes. However, here and there was a tent so obviously magical it was a wonder the Muggles at the gates of each field weren't getting more suspicious.

"Why were Muggles hired anyway?" said Ursula under her breath to Draco. "This is a wizarding event, is it not?"

The idea of an obviously magical tent was not lost on the Malfoys, who, upon reaching their allotted plot of land — Lucius scoffed at the lopsided wooden sign that say Malfoy on it in block letters — erected a grey two story tent designed to look like stone with a fountain in the front yard. If the tent was clearly magical on the outside, then it was even more obvious on the inside, with three large bedrooms, each with their own attached bathroom, a kitchen, a dining room, and a sitting room.

Over the course of the afternoon, Ursula met a number of high ranking ministry officials and was engaged in conversation by many wealthy pureblooded families. Adrian and Cassius both came by, and Vanessa and her family stayed to talk for a while, while Gemma very quickly said hello. Ursula even managed to sneak off long enough to find Lilian nearby, though she had to weave through a number of fields to get there.

By the time she returned, the number of visitors to their tent had dwindled to who Narcissa considered to be the most important ones.

"Ah, Ursula, there you are," said Narcissa, taking her by the wrist and leading her over to where Lucius and Draco — who looked rather bored — were conversing with a family of four. "You remember Montgomery and Anastasia Rowle? Their eldest son, Hadrian? His brother, Caspian?"

"Of course," said Ursula, smiling sweetly. She nodded to Montgomery and Anastasia and focused most of her shy smile on Hadrian. "How do you do?"

"Very well, thank you," said Hadrian, flashing her a smile in return. "And yourself?"

"Most excellent, as it happens," said Ursula. His mother looked most pleased as his father stepped forward to shake Ursula's hand.

"Miss Black," said Montgomery. "It is a pleasure to see you again. We heard you recently scored very highly on your examinations. Our congratulations."

"Thank you," said Ursula. "Is it true you've finished renovating your summer house in France? It must've been quite an undertaking."

"All worth it in the end," said Montgomery.

"Nothing you're unfamiliar with, surely, what with your changes to the garden at Corvus Manor," said Anastasia, hinting, "I would love to see them one day."

"Perhaps that can be arranged," said Ursula.

"Why don't the two of you take a walk, hmm?" said Narcissa, gesturing towards Ursula and Hadrian.

"What a marvelous idea," said Anastasia. "Hadrian, you can show Ursula where we're staying."

Hadrian and Ursula set off, leaving two sets of very pleased adults and two bored teenage boys behind. They walked in amiable silence through the crowds for a while, before Ursula said, "Did your mother make you wear nearly a full suit, or your father?"

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