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A few short weeks later, barely a month shy of Ursula's seventh birthday, and Ursula's father was finally coming to visit. She hadn't seen him since her mother's funeral, and Narcissa doubted she even remembered him. He had taken a while to track down; he was leaving in America, in Arizona of all places. Once they found him, they had to plan when and where to meet him, but finally they had everything settled.

It was decided that he would come to Malfoy Manor. Druella had wanted him to come to her house, but Narcissa insisted that he see where Ursula lived. He asked to take Ursula on an outing, and while both Lucius and Narcissa were hesitant, they agreed that as her father he should be allowed. If he turned up and they discovered he was creepy or a weirdo, they would not let him leave the house with Ursula, whether she was his daughter or not.

The day of the meeting Ursula was practically bouncing with anticipation. She wore a pretty yellow dress and could hardly sit still as Narcissa tied her hair with pink and yellow ribbons. The meeting with her father, which would take place shortly after breakfast, was of great interest to the entire family. Cygnus and Druella were the only ones allowed to attend, and they arrived at the manor with a sense of snobbish importance about them.

"He should be here any minute," said Narcissa, glancing at the grandfather clock.

They all waited nervously in the front hall, with the exception of Draco who, at five years old, had no interest in meeting him. Lucius had sent him to Nott Manor for the day where he and Theodore Nott, the boy he shared a governess with, could play together. They heard a faint pop outside, and not a moment later there was a loud knock on the door.

"Weesy, open the door," said Lucius, and the house elf obeyed.

In strode Ursula's father, beaming from ear to ear.

The first thing they noticed was his cowboy hat.

Short brown hair could be seen underneath it, and he wore a worn blue coat over a light brown vest. He was taller than all of them, and friendly blue eyes twinkled from under his hat.

"Howdy y'all," he said, coming to a stop in front of them. His eyes landed on Ursula and he smiled, if possible even wider. "Hello little one!" he said, holding out his arms.

Ursula ran right to him and he picked her up, hugging and laughing and swinging her around. He pulled off his cowboy hat and put it on her head, causing her to giggle. The others could only gape. When he finally set her down ー still wearing his hat ー he pulled out his wand and a bouquet of daffodils burst out of the end, which he handed with a flourish to a stunned Narcissa.

"I'm Kenneth Scamander," he said, shaking each of their hands. Druella was too scandalized to say anything. "Call me Ken. I can't tell you how pleased I am to finally meet you, and to see my little girl again."

Lucius was the first to recover. "Would you ー would you care for a tour?"

Narcissa handed the bunch of daffodils to the house elf as Lucius led Ken up the staircase, Ursula clinging to his side. The other three followed, still dazed.

"It's a lovely house," remarked Ken as they toured the manor. "Lived here long?"

"Since the eleventh century," said Lucius stiffly.

When the tour ended, Narcissa asked, "Where shall we sit? We have a lot to discuss."

She had meant the drawing room, as it wasn't really a question, but Ken said, "How about the garden? It's a beautiful day."

When at last they were seated, Ken agreed to answer any questions they had. Cygnus went first.

"So what do you do in... where did you live again?"

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