The Worst Date

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Hogwarts changed from summer to fall, the air cooled, and the leaves changed color and fell, crinkling underfoot. The full moon was September 30th, and Ursula was beyond thrilled not to have the Mandrake leaf in her mouth any longer. She was concerned that the full moon would be obscured by clouds, therefore making her have to start all over, but it was clear and bright when she stepped outside, accompanied by Professor McGonagall.

When the Mandrake leaf was in the moonstruck vial, Ursula headed down to the Potions classroom, where Professor Snape had agreed to let her prepare the other ingredients. Into the vial went a long, curly black strand of hair, a silver teaspoon of dew that had 'not seen sunlight or been touched by human feet for seven days', and the chrysalis of a Death's-head Hawk Moth.

The silver teaspoon of dew had been the hardest ingredient to acquire, but Ursula managed it, and it was with great pride that she set the vial into a padded black box, then tucked the black box into the back of her wardrobe where it wouldn't be disturbed. Gemma didn't see it, and Ursula headed back upstairs to finish her prefect patrol. Ursula hadn't told any of her friends what she was doing, both in case it didn't work and so it would be a terrific surprise if — when — she managed it.

The next part of the process was even more arduous. Every sunrise and sunset without fail, Ursula placed the tip of her wand over her heart and chanted Amato Animo Animato Animagus. This task was difficult largely because, in order to know it was sunrise or sunset, she had to climb the endless winding stairs from the dungeons until she reached somewhere with a window.

Breakfast started at seven, and the sunrise in Scotland was only perhaps ten minutes before, so at least Ursula didn't have to wake up much earlier than usual, although she was always the first into breakfast. Gemma woke early every morning to get an hour or so of studying in, and Ursula had upped her own studying time, though not as severely. She suspected she and Gemma might even row about it when their OWLs were nearer, and at that time she would study harder than she ever had before, but there was simply no point in overworking herself now.

October rolled in, crisp and chilly and gorgeous, weather that felt marvelous to fly in. Marcus Flint and Oliver Wood were both in their last year, and both wanted to claim the Quidditch Cup more than anything. The Slytherin team practiced three nights a week, but Flint wore a smirk that told Ursula he had something else up his sleeve.

The fifth years were thrilled with Professor Lupin, and felt confident that they could pass their OWL with him as a teacher. Every lesson was just as interesting as the first, and there came a time in mid October when Professor Lupin announced that he would be teaching them a few defensive spells.

"This is Defense Against the Dark Arts, after all," he said. No one in class made any effort to hide their excitement. "But I must remind you that these are only to be used if you are ever attacked, and though I hope none of you will ever need them, they are good spells to know. At any rate, these spells will certainly come up on your OWL."

He had them all stand and partner with the person sitting beside them, piling their desks in the corner with a wave of his wand.

"We're going to start by reviewing spells you've already learned," said Professor Lupin, instructing them to stand across from their partner. "Such as the full-body bind, the disarming charm, and the knockback jinx. Please take five minutes to practice."

The room was filled suddenly with shouts as students disarmed and paralyzed their friends, sending them toppling backwards into provided cushions or their wands spinning across the high ceiling. After about five minutes, Professor Lupin clapped his hands for silence.

"It seems you all remember these spells, so today's lesson will focus on the Impediment Jinx," said Professor Lupin. "The Impediment Jinx hinders the movement of the target, slowing, stopping, or even throwing the target back for a few seconds. The wand movement is a swift horizontal line, and the incantation is Impedimenta. Observe."

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