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A few weeks later, and a notice appeared on the bulletin board, announcing the first Hogsmeade trip of the year on the Saturday before Halloween. Classes had been going well for Ursula and Adrian had Quidditch practices three nights a week, all in preparation for their match against Gryffindor which was now only two weeks away. The weather had grown chillier — the Slytherins were not excited for winter in the dungeons — and the leaves on the trees were changing color.

"Does everyone have their permission form turned in to Professor Snape?" said Gemma in a bossy voice. The other third years made noises of agreement. They were all excited about the trip.

The morning of, nearly every third through seventh year lined up in the entrance hall, where Filch, the caretaker, was standing inside the front doors. He checked off their names on a long list, peering suspiciously into every face. Vanessa was going with Daria and Sophie, so Ursula, Lilian, and Gemma strolled out of the castle and across the front lawn together, chatting excitedly about what they would do when they arrived.

It was a ten minute walk through the gates of Hogwarts and up the road towards Hogsmeade Station, but the weather was pleasant and they were surrounded by other students. They walked down the hill and around the Shrieking Shack, giving the area a wide berth out of caution.

"Wow," said Lilian when they arrived at the village.

Hogsmeade was picturesque, with long rows of neat little cottages and shops along the High Street. Hogsmeade Station lay at one end, a little ways away from the shops and whatnot, and Ursula knew the Shrieking Shack stood just outside of the village.

"Where shall we go first?" asked Ursula.

"Can we start at Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop?" said Gemma. "It won't take long, but I need a new quill."

The other two shrugged so they headed into the shop, which displayed a variety of quills in the window and wasn't nearly as crowded as some of the other shops. While Gemma purchased a handsome eagle feather quill, Lilian perused the shelves looking for some nice stationary and Ursula examined a bottle of rainbow ink before deciding it wasn't worth it.

The next place they went was a dusty bookshop called Tomes and Scrolls, where Ursula spent some time browsing, getting absorbed in each book she picked up.

"This looks interesting," said Lilian, handing her a book on Transfiguration. "I know it's your favorite subject."

"Thanks," said Ursula, flipping open the cover. "Try this. It's a book about Muggle technology."

"Cool!" said Lilian, as they headed to the counter with their purchases.

A quick stroll down the street brought them to Zonko's Joke Shop, which was absolutely packed with Hogwarts students. Gemma squeezed through the door first, followed by the other two.

Exciting, colorful products lined the shelves, including fireworks, Dungbombs, Hiccough Sweets, and Nose-Biting Teacups. Ursula grabbed a bar of Frog Spawn Soap when Gemma wasn't looking. She edged around the other students to look at a display of sugar quills, accidentally bumping into a fourth year as she did.

"Sorry!" she squeaked.

"Hey Ursula," said Lucian Bole as he turned around. "It's okay, no harm done." He gave her a warm smile. "How've you been?"

"Good, good," she said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "You did well at tryouts."

"You saw that?" His smile stretched wider. "I'm glad I made the team." Someone called his name and he looked around. "I've got to go. Cheer for me at the game, yeah?"

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