A Sneaky Graduation

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The rest of the year was wonderful, and it practically flew by. Ursula's birthday was celebrated by her friends, and she excelled in her end of year exams. There was much celebrating in Slytherin as they had won both the House Cup and the Quidditch Cup. Once exams were over, their last few days were a flurry of packing and much exchanging of addresses, with friends making each other promise to write.

The train ride home was pleasant, with the students excited to see their families again. Cassius was bombarded with hugs from his four younger siblings. Ursula didn't stare at him for long, however, because Draco came running up to give her a hug. She had missed his birthday, being away at school, but hadn't forgotten to send him a gift.

The summer passed quickly as well. Ursula spent her days playing Quidditch with Draco, visiting Nymphadora, or playing in the garden. Her dad took her to Dorset, to her grandparents' house, and to see Uncle Bat and Aunt Willie. He even took her for a brief visit to America. Agatha was busy flying back and forth between Malfoy Manor and her friends' houses and Ursula even got to visit some of them. Madam Tripe returned twice a week to continue her lessons with Vanessa and Gemma.

Soon Ursula returned to Diagon Alley to purchase supplies for her second year, and right away she was back at school. The first of Cassius's siblings — Aurelia Warrington — was sorted into Slytherin, along with Peregrine's sister Guinevere Derrick and Terence's brother Callum Higgs. She watched the Quidditch tryouts for Slytherin — they needed a new chaser and beater — but did not try out herself.

She may not have tried out, but Fred and George Weasley became the new Gryffindor beaters with their brother Charlie as captain. Angelina Johnson became a chaser and Alicia Spinnet became a reserve chaser. Unfortunately for them but not for Ursula, they were absolutely flattened by Slytherin in the opening match of the year.

Lilian had gotten more into Quidditch, but she was as bad at ice skating as ever. She could stay up on her own, at least, but had more than her fair share of wipeouts. Ursula felt even closer to her friends this year. She went home for Christmas again this year and spent New Year's Eve with the Scamanders. The rest of second year passed steadily, and soon the only thing they had to do before the year was out was decide which electives they wanted to take next year.

A large flyer pinned to the noticeboard in the Slytherin common room read:

Second years are reminded that requests for

electives are due to their Head of House by

Wednesday, June 19th. All students wishing to

drop a course must speak to their Head of

House by the 19th as well.

On Monday of their last week, many of the Slytherin second years gathered in the common room to discuss their choices and fill out the necessary forms.

"I'm taking Care of Magical Creatures, of course," said Ursula. Several of the others nodded in agreement, including Lilian. Vanessa wrinkled her nose.

"Not me," she said. "Too messy. I'll take Divination instead."

"Divination is a bit of a wooly subject, isn't it?" said Gemma.

"Well I'm still going to take it," said Adrian. "Wooly or not. What about you, Cassius?"

"I've got Divination, Ancient Runes, and Care of Magical Creatures," Cassius replied. Adrian's list was the same.

"Are you taking anything besides Divination, Vanessa?" asked Ursula.

"Arithmancy," said Vanessa. "What about you?"

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