The Dementor

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"Come on, Ursula! We're going to be late!" Her cousin's impatient voice echoed up the stairs. Nevermind that they were plenty early, and her taking an extra few seconds to come downstairs wouldn't change that.

"Just a moment Draco," said Ursula exasperatedly, fixing her white headband. At her request, she had finally gotten her hair cut. Nothing drastic — instead of at her waist her shiny curls brushed mid back — but she was quite pleased.

Yesterday was the full moon, and Ursula had begun keeping the Mandrake leaf in her mouth until the next full moon. Her retainer kept the leaf firmly pressed to the roof of her mouth, and she was thankful that it had no taste, or else she wasn't sure she would've been able to manage it for a whole month.

Ursula hurried down the stairs before Draco could whine any more, and in no time at all they were through the barrier at King's Cross and onto Platform Nine and Three-Quarters. Ursula bid Lucius and Narcissa goodbye, wasting no time as she boarded a train to change and find a compartment before the prefect's meeting.

No sooner had she finished pinning the silver and green prefect badge to her robes than Cassius slid open the compartment door.

"Ursula!" he said, grabbing her around the waist and practically throwing her over his shoulder.

"Put me down!" laughed Ursula, hitting Cassius's back as he spun her around.

"As you wish," said Cassius. He dumped her on the ground and she retaliated by kicking him in the shins. He hopped around while she laughed and pulled herself to her feet.

"You fiend!" said Ursula. She pulled out a mirror and fixed her hair and tie. "How was your summer?"

Cassius had only grown taller, tanner, and more muscular since she had seen him last. His sandy brown hair was streaked with golden blond, and he had a casual grace about him and a handsome smile as he lounged in his seat.

"Excellent," he replied. "And Poppy's doing wonderful as well." He opened the wicker basket and a lovely sleek red cat with green eyes jumped out. Ursula freed Betelgeuse, and the two cats happily rubbed against each other, purring loudly.

"You seemed stunned when your badge arrived," Ursula commented, as the train began to leave the station.

"So I was," said Cassius. "I thought for sure Adrian or Jacob or even Philip would get it, not me."

"Well you did, and you deserve it," said Ursula. She checked the time. "I wanted to say hello to Adrian and Lilian before the meeting, but —"

"My ears are burning," said Lilian as she slid open the compartment door, Adrian on her heels. "Hello hello."

Ursula stood and hugged them both.

"Thank goodness you arrived when you did," she said. "Cassius and I must go to the prefects' meeting and I would've been sad to miss you."

"Your summers were good, then?" said Adrian. "How was the wedding?"

"Oh, it was fantastic," said Ursula. "How was your summer?"

"Boring as ever, I'm afraid," said Adrian. "Lachlan is busy with his new Ministry job, and my mother kept dragging me to various tea parties. Have you ever had tea with the Parkinsons?"

Ursula snorted.

"Yes. It was that bad, then?"

"It was the worst," said Adrian, flopping in the seat across from Cassius. "I didn't mind the Shaws, though."

"Miles is thrilled to be starting at Hogwarts this year," said Lilian. "If he's in Slytherin you'll get to show him around."

"Well I'd be surprised if he isn't," said Ursula. "Now, Cassius and I must get going, I'm afraid."

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