Christmas with the Tonks's

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"I have a few errands to run today," said Ursula. It was a few days before Christmas, and as always, she announced the day's business at breakfast. "I have gifts to pick up and the like."

"Do you want me to come with you?" asked Narcissa. Ursula shook her head.

"No, I can manage with Dimsey," said Ursula.

"Very well. Don't forget to pick up your dress for the ball from Twilfitt & Tattings while you're out," replied Narcissa. Ursula nodded.

When breakfast was over, she stopped by Corvus Manor to meet Dimsey and get the list of places she needed to go. She really did have errands to run, yes, but not nearly all the ones she'd insinuated. Ursula had Dimsey take her to Diagon Alley, which looked quaint and welcoming under all the snow, so she could pick up her dress, and then onto the jeweler's to pick up Vanessa's gift, followed by a quick stop at a Muggle bookshop — she had Dimsey wait outside, cleverly hidden by a newspaper stand — and then she had him take her to her real destination.


Tonks threw open the door to her flat and hugged her cousin. Her apartment was two stories up in a Muggle neighborhood, so Ursula had Dimsey Apparate her directly outside the door and then told him to come back in two hours. The rest of Ursula's errands had been an excuse for this secret visit.

"Come in, come in!" said Tonks, nearly tripping through her own doorway as she led Ursula inside.

Tonks's apartment was small but absolutely bursting with color and decoration. Succulents crowded on the windowsill, old newspapers and coffee cups were strewn about, and a Christmas tree much too large for the room it was in twinkled in the corner. Tonks waved her wand and the newspapers, cups, and other miscellaneous knicknacks swept themselves off of the table in the living room and organized wherever they were supposed to be.

"I've missed you," said Ursula, taking a seat.

"I've missed you too! You have to tell me all about Hogwarts," said Tonks. "Tea?"

Ursula nodded, and Tonks flicked her wand at the stove. The kettle filled with water, and before long it began to whistle.

"Hello Orion," cooed Ursula, giving Betelguese's son an affectionate scratch behind the ears. He wound around her legs, his bushy white fur making him look like a puffy cloud. Orion jumped up on her lap and stared up at her with big blue eyes, purring as she pet him.

"This is OWL year for you, right?" said Tonks, when their steaming mugs of tea were ready. "I remember my OWLs. I was terrified I'd fail everything. How's it going for you?"

"It's going well," said Ursula, pouring sugar into her tea. "With all the homework we've been getting plus Quidditch practice, it's hard to find extra time to study, but I'm managing."

"Good," said Tonks. "You're still into magical creatures and transfiguration, right?"

"Oh, that reminds me," said Ursula, standing up. She transformed into her Animagus and Tonks laughed and clapped her hands appreciatively.

"You did it! I can't believe I forgot!" said Tonks, as Ursula changed back. "I remember Kingsley showing me the article about you. I'm so proud."

"Thanks," said Ursula. "Professor McGonagall was thrilled."

"I bet she was," said Tonks. "McGonagall always scared me. Still does, as a matter of fact."

"How's your Auror training going?"

After achieving top grades, Auror candidates spent three years training in a dozen categories before they could test to become a full Auror. Tonks was halfway through her third year, studying under Alastor 'Mad-Eye' Moody, and in June she would take her tests. The program was highly prestigious and individualized, since very few people were accepted every year. Tonks was the only person from her graduating class to be accepted.

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