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Ursula was awake at dawn the very next morning. In actuality, she had never gone to sleep, as the Slytherins had paused their celebration only to go up to dinner, and had partied — well, some of them — until dawn. By the time it was four in the morning the party had dwindled to a select few, but the seventh years had no inclination to sleep, despite their exhausting NEWTs, so Cassius poured Firewhiskey into fancy crystal glasses and they drank like posh people. When at last her friends had decided they were simply too tired to carry on, all claiming they needed an hour or two of sleep before breakfast, Ursula had instead decided to go for a walk. This time, she really was out for a walk, and was not simply pretending so that she could prank Professor Umbridge.

"Professor Dumbledore!" said Ursula, surprised but pleased, when she rounded a corner and nearly ran right into him. "You're back!"

"Yes, Ms. Black, I am," said Professor Dumbledore, his eyes twinkling. "And I must thank you for your prompt patronus. Without it I would not have arrived at the Ministry as fast as I did."

Ursula was enormously relieved, and the knot in her chest dissolved.

"Is everyone —"

"There are a few injuries, and I'm afraid your cousin Tonks will spend a bit of time in St. Mungo's, but everyone else is fine," said Professor Dumbledore. "Sirius told me that you contacted him. It was quick thinking on your part to use the Floo in Professor Umbridge's office."

"I had to warn him somehow," said Ursula.

"I am grateful you did," said Professor Dumbledore. "If I may ask, how did you know about the Veil?"

"Hadrian told me," answered Ursula honestly. "Hadrian Rowle. He came to Hogsmeade before our exams. He, er, attended a Death Eater meeting the week before. That was all he could really figure out. He wasn't —"

"No, Ms. Black, he was not there," said Professor Dumbledore kindly. "I am afraid the same cannot be said for certain members of his family, however."

Ursula nodded.

"Expect an invitation to meet with me soon," said Professor Dumbledore. "I have a few matters I wish to discuss before your graduation. But in the meantime, please excuse me while I fetch Professor Umbridge from the Forbidden Forest."

Ursula was taken aback as Professor Dumbledore walked away. Professor Umbridge was still in the Forbidden Forest?

But yes, Professor Dumbledore strode alone into the forest and returned supporting Professor Umbridge, who had apparently had an ordeal with the centaurs. Her usually neat mousy hair was very untidy and there were bits of twig and leaf in it, but otherwise she seemed to be quite unscathed.

Ursula was so relieved that everyone was alright that her anxiety vanished and was replaced by exhaustion. She stumbled back to her dorm and slept for an hour or so before breakfast. All of the seventh years got up late, but they found less-than-good news waiting for them in the Great Hall.


In a brief statement Friday night, Minister of Magic

Cornelius Fudge confirmed that He-Who-Must-

Not-Be Named has returned to this country and is

active once more.

"It is with great regret that I must confirm that the

wizard styling himself Lord — well, you know who I

mean — is alive and among us again," said Fudge,

looking tired and flustered as he addressed reporters.

"It is with almost equal regret that we report the mass

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