Flourish & Blotts

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A few days after Cygnus's funeral, their letters from Hogwarts arrived. Ursula didn't have much use for Dimsey and Helgie at this point, so while Weesy handed Lucius his newspaper and Draco his letter, Dimsey presented Ursula with hers on a little silver platter. She thanked him and opened it, scanning the list of new books she would need.


The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 4 by Miranda Goshawk

Break with a Banshee by Gilderoy Lockhart

Gadding with Ghouls by Gilderoy Lockhart

Holidays with Hags by Gilderoy Lockhart

Traveling with Trolls by Gilderoy Lockhart

Voyages with a Vampire by Gilderoy Lockhart

Wanderings with Werewolves by Gilderoy Lockhart

Year with a Yeti by Gilderoy Lockhart

"Is the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher Gilderoy Lockhart, by any chance?" asked Ursula, seeing that Draco's list also contained the complete collection of his books.

"Why yes, I believe he is," said Lucius. "How did you find out?"

"Nearly the entire list is books he wrote," said Ursula.

"We'll go to Diagon Alley next week," decided Lucius. "Perhaps Wednesday? I have business at Borgin & Burkes. Ursula, make a list of anything of your grandfather's that you wish to — ah — part with. You may even want to bring an item or two with you."

"Father, I want a new broom," said Draco. Lucius pursed his lips.

"I suppose a broom would make a fine gift for your return to Hogwarts," he said. "Ursula, I think you could do with a new broom as well. A Nimbus Two Thousand or Two Thousand and One, I'd say."

"I would like a new one," said Ursula. "I'll Floo to the manor today to make a list of items. You don't... you don't really think the Ministry will raid Corvus Manor, do you?"

"I would be very surprised if they did," said Lucius. "But one can never be too careful."

Cygnus and Druella owned a number of questionable items, but her grandfather's social standing kept him well respected among purebloods and he had long held favor with the Ministry. Ursula never travelled down to the dungeon, too frightened of what might be there, but Cygnus had assured her it was nothing but old curses, and the door was so concealed that she could almost pretend it wasn't there at all.

Dimsey and Helgie had little to do, so Ursula gave them instructions to keep the house clean and dust free while she was away at Hogwarts, and to tend to the garden. That was the one part of Corvus Manor she felt confident in changing. She still lived at Malfoy Manor of course, but Corvus Manor belonged to her now and no one else.

After breakfast, Ursula Flooed to Corvus Manor and, with the help of her house elves, made a list of anything too dangerous or cursed to keep. Truth be told, the dark artifacts made her curious, and many she kept to see if one day she could change their curses. She kept the poison and potion cupboard locked and protected by magical enchantments, and she saw no reason to part with anything inside. Other than a few pieces of cursed furniture and an object or two simply too evil to be kept in a house, her list amounted to a few pieces of unwearable jewellery and a sinister mirror. She had Dimsey put the jewellery in a briefcase and then Flooed back to Malfoy Manor.

The following Wednesday, Lucius Apparated Draco and Ursula to Diagon Alley, Narcissa having decided to stay behind. Dimsey came as well, tightly clutching the locked briefcase and following close behind Ursula, who was still dressed in mourning black.

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