Toujours Pur

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Voldemort's reign ended when Ursula was three, just a year and a half after the Malfoys had taken her in. In the aftermath, many innocent people were released, having been under the Imperius curse, and many of those less innocent claimed the same to avoid Azkaban.

Lucius and Narcissa were among them. It helped strengthen their claim when Lucius offered a large sum of gold as a donation to the Ministry. They weren't the only ones. Nott, Avery, Crabbe, Goyle, and Gibbon, among others ー they all avoided arrest the same way, despite bearing the Dark Mark on their arms, and all claimed to have been under the influence of the Imperius Curse. It helped, too, that they all came from powerful wizarding families, and several had young children that they could use to paint themselves as 'family men'.

By now, Ursula was part of the family. In the short time Cassiopeia had to raise her, she had taught her daughter basic manners, and Narcissa's lips quirked when she discovered this. Her sister may have run away, but she was still a Black at heart. Even more surprising was the way Ursula got along with Draco, who simply adored her. Ursula was quiet and well behaved ー almost too quiet, Narcissa noted.

There were nights when she stood outside Ursula's room and could hear her cry for her mother. On those nights Narcissa comforted her, had one of the house elves bring her a warm drink, and stayed with her until she fell asleep. There were nights when Ursula woke up in terror, having had a nightmare about her mother's death. Narcissa only discovered this after the third time it happened, when Ursula had knocked on their bedroom door beside herself in tears. On those nights Narcissa dried her tears and tucked her back in, then ran a gentle hand through her hair until she fell asleep. Once she was sure Ursula was asleep, she returned to bed. Lucius never said anything about it.

Ursula's room was grey and lavender, with everything from the carpet to the curtains matching the color scheme. Narcissa had bought her a wardrobe full of clothes, and every morning she did Ursula's hair. She bought her toys as well, dolls and stuffed animals and art supplies. Ursula never made a mess or caused a disturbance. She smiled and stared up at Lucius and Narcissa with her mother's eyes, and though Narcissa felt a pang in her heart every time, it made her so happy to have Ursula safe and cared for. She knew that's what Cassiopeia wanted. In fact, she was certain.

Shortly after Ursula's fourth birthday, one of Lucius's lawyers finally found Cassiopeia's will. There had been far more important things to worry about during the war, but now that it was over Narcissa wanted to be sure Ursula got what was rightfully hers. She again praised her sister's sensibility at creating a will.

"The late Ms. Black leaves all property, money, and possessions to her daughter, Ms. Ursula Black," said the solicitor, reading from the will. This came as no surprise to either of them.

"How much property?" asked Lucius. He and his wife both knew Cassiopeia wasn't lacking in wealth.

"Two flats in London and one in Diagon Alley," said the solicitor. "Her legal guardians are to be Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy and Edward and Andromeda Tonks. In the event that neither are available, the child will go to the nearest relation, with the exception of one Bellatrix Lestrange."

"She thought this through," murmured Narcissa. "She knew what might happen."

"It is Ms. Black's wish that her daughter be told of her parentage only when she has reached the appropriate age. She has left details for how to contact her daughter's father, who is aware of her existence. The appropriate age for her to be told is up to her guardians."

The solicitor slid the will across the table to them. Ursula's father's name was clearly printed. Lucius and Narcissa were stunned.

"An odd choice," said Lucius at last, pulling himself together. "But respectable, I suppose, all things considered."

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