The Quidditch Final

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Ursula dumped Lucian.

After she left the Three Broomsticks, she received a tear stained letter from Hagrid covered in ink blots, saying that they had lost, that Hagrid was allowed to bring Buckbeak back to Hogwarts, and that the execution date had yet to be set. Then Ursula had had a row with Draco, telling him that it was all his fault and he had overreacted and it never would've happened if he'd just listened to Hagrid in the first place.

Ursula had then stormed back to the castle alone so she could prepare to break up with Lucian. She changed into a cute polka dotted dress — was it mean that she wanted to look cute? It didn't matter, she felt more confident in the dress so wear it she did — and brushed her hair and washed her face so that she was all dolled up by the time Lucian returned. She suggested that they go on a walk around the castle to talk, and when they reached an empty corridor, she stopped and broke up with him on the spot.

"Lucian, we're done" she said, turning to face him. "I'm breaking up with you."

For a moment, Lucian stood frozen, mouth agape. Then he started to protest.

"Wha — I — why — what —" he spluttered. "How could you do this to me?"

"I just don't want to date you anymore," said Ursula.

"But after our fight!" he protested. "I thought we could work things out and we'd be alright!"

"It's because of our fight that I'm breaking up with you," said Ursula. "Our fight, and everything that caused it."

"Why didn't you just break up with me then?" said Lucian, getting angry.

"I tried!" said Ursula.

After that, she let him shout for a few minutes about how she was breaking his heart, how after all he had done for her, all they'd been through, this was what she did, about how good they were together. Ursula stayed silent for the most part, largely because she didn't trust herself not to cry if she argued any longer. She stood there in her pretty white dress with pink polka dots and the pretty pink shoes that went with it, arms crossed and foot tapping away, and dumped her boyfriend, letting her now-ex shout himself hoarse.

"But I love you!" said Lucian, seemingly reaching the end of his pleading. His face was red from all the shouting, his fists were clenched, and Ursula felt about ready to cry at the stress of it all.

"I'm not sure you do," said Ursula, shaking her head and crossing to the end of the corridor to leave. "It's over."

"Wait wait wait, Ursula!" shouted Lucian, running after her and grabbing her wrist, forcing her to turn and face him. "You can't do this to me!"

"I thought I just did," said Ursula, her face stony. She yanked her wrist out of his grasp. "We're finished, Lucian."

She turned and hurried away, down a staircase that began to move before Lucian could follow. She felt a bit like Cinderella, a Muggle story Andromeda had read to her once, except Lucian wasn't her prince — and she still had both her shoes. Ursula could still hear Lucian shouting as he ran after her, but she didn't stop as she rushed down the stairs, almost running straight into the Weasley twins, who were carrying bags of Zonko's merchandise.

"What's up Black?" said Fred, grinning at her. "Nice dress."

Ursula burst into tears.

"I'm sorry!" said Fred at once, his face falling. But Ursula was already hurrying away from him too, a hand over her mouth as she choked back sobs. "Ursula! I'm sorry! Was it something I said?"

Ursula made it through the sparsely populated Slytherin common room and slammed the door to her dorm behind her. She sat down, leaning against her bed in her cute, brand new, pink-and-white polka dotted dress, and cried her heart out.

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