Heir to the House of Black

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"Hello Grandfather," said Ursula softly. Healer Willis rose and took her leave.

"Ah, hello Ursula dear," said Cygnus happily. He gestured weakly to the chair beside his bed. "Come, sit."

Cygnus's dragon pox had progressed much quicker than expected. Rather than go to St. Mungo's he insisted upon staying in his home, so instead a healer came to them. He wasn't contagious, said the healer, but his skin was badly pockmarked and had taken on a greenish hue. Ursula and the others were staying at Corvus Manor to be nearer to him during his illness.

"How are you feeling?"

"Oh..." Cygnus's voice was raspy. "I've been better." They were both quiet for a moment. "You make me proud."

Ursula had nothing to say. Those four words alone brought tears to her eyes.

"Ursula," said Cygnus, his gaze focused on her. Every word was slow and measured. "I am proud to have you as my heir... but even more so to have you as my darling granddaughter."

"I love you," gasped Ursula, feeling a lump rise in her throat.

"I love you too, my dear," said Cygnus. Though his voice was weak, he spoke the words in a tone more affectionate than she had ever heard. "Goodnight Ursula."

"Goodnight Grandfather," said Ursula, taking her cue to leave. She paused outside his door, peering back at him, convincing herself everything would be okay as she wiped her eyes and headed for her room.


It was Draco, his eyes wide and fearful, the door to his bedroom ajar as he poked his head out.


"Grandfather's going to be okay... right? Nothing's going to happen to him?"

"I hope so, Draco," said Ursula. "Try and get some sleep, okay? We'll check on him together in the morning."

It was technically morning when Dimsey woke Ursula, even though dawn was still far away.

"Mistress Ursula! Mistress Ursula!"

"What is it, Dimsey?"

"It's Master Cygnus!"

That was all it took for Ursula to leap out of bed. Snatching a dressing gown from her chair she hurried down the hallway, meeting her aunt and uncle and Draco outside her grandfather's door.

"What happened?" asked Lucius, who seemed to be the only one who could speak.

"His condition has worsened considerably overnight," said Healer Willis. "I thought you should see him." They all knew what she meant. Before he dies.

The room was dark and stuffy, silent save for the harsh wheeze of Cygnus's every breath. Draco clutched his father as they neared the bed.

"Father?" said Narcissa tentatively as she sat beside Ursula.

"My... family..." wheezed Cygnus weakly, his eyes half closed. "My... son-in-law... my daughter... my... grandson... my granddaughter... and... my beloved wife..."

"What's happening?" asked Draco in a terrified whisper. "I don't like it!"

"You have all... taken... such wonder... wonderful care... of —" a cough seized him and he convulsed. Narcissa let out a strangled sob. "— of me... I... love you... all... Now —" he broke off again, chest rising and falling rapidly. "— take care... of... yourselves..."

His voice gave out but his breathing steadied. Draco cast one last terrified look at him before Lucius steered him out of the room, leaving Narcissa and Ursula alone.

Time ticked by as they sat by Cygnus's side. He looked worse than he had last night, less and less like the grandfather Ursula knew. But he was still breathing, and still alive. Cygnus gazed weakly at his daughter and his granddaughter, his lips curved in the smallest smile.

He blinked.

His head rolled back on his pillow.

His gaze shifted forward and his eyes glazed over.

"Grandfather?" said Ursula frantically, half rising from her chair. Narcissa's hand tightened on her shoulder. "Grandfather?"

But with that, the last breath left his body and Cygnus Black III moved no more.

Narcissa left the room first, gently tugging Ursula with her, but she didn't move. She heard voices in the hallway and felt hot tears slide down her cheeks. She couldn't look away from her grandfather's body.

Slowly, ever so slowly, Ursula rose from her chair. Cygnus's hands lay folded on his chest, so she gently tugged the bedspread up, the way he always liked it when he sat in bed. With a shaky hand, she closed one eye, and then the other, so that her grandfather looked like he was just resting his eyes after reading. She lifted his glasses off his nose and set them atop the book on his bedside table.

On wobbly legs, Ursula turned and left the room, shock shielding her from her grief.

She emerged into the hallway, letting the door shut softly behind her. Narcissa and Draco cried together, huddled close, but Ursula didn't join them. She found a little alcove away from the others and there, in the hallway of Corvus Manor, the house that now belonged to her, she let the storm roll in and the tears pour out.

Cygnus's funeral was held a few days later. In that time, Ursula barely ate. She stayed holed up in her room, her grief all-consuming. She hadn't realized how much she'd miss her grandfather until he was gone.

People came in and out of the house. Some were relatives, close and distant. Great aunt Cassiopeia came to stay until the funeral was over. Some were friends, coming to pay their respects. On Wednesday, the day after Cygnus's death, an article announcing it appeared in the Daily Prophet. Several of the visitors were from Gringotts, here to discuss Cygnus's will and Ursula's inheritance. Right now, Ursula didn't care. She didn't need the house or the money. She'd rather have her grandfather.

The funeral was larger than Druella's or Walburga's had been. Cygnus Black III was an important figure among purebloods and had made great donations to the Ministry of Magic, which meant that even Cornelius Fudge came. Ursula didn't go to pieces this time. She kept her head held high and gracefully accepted the condolences offered to her, the way her grandfather would've wanted.

Several of Ursula's friends were present, and many of those who were not had written telling her how sorry they were for her loss. She appreciated their kindness, but the words were meaningless. Ursula had cried so much in the last few days that she just felt numb.

"Hey," said a soft voice. She looked up.

"Hello Hadrian."

"I'm so sorry for your loss," said Hadrian Rowle. Ursula just nodded. She'd heard the words a hundred times already. "Would you... like a hug?"

The offer was just what Ursula needed. She hadn't realized that she'd been shaking all this time until Hadrian gently hugged her.

"Thank you," she whispered, before letting go.

"Ursula. It's time," said Narcissa, her face pale and eyes teary. Hadrian inclined his head to them both before walking away.

"Goodbye Grandfather," murmured Ursula with a quick glance at the sunny sky, before she followed her aunt down the aisle so the funeral could begin.

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