The First Week

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After two days of exploring the castle, Ursula was ready for lessons to start bright and early Monday morning. Or at least, the clock in her dorm said it was early. The Slytherin common room was many things, but it was certainly not bright.

Ursula adjusted her tie and crammed the last of her textbooks into her bag, as she didn't know which classes she would have today. Over the last two days, she and Lilian had become fast friends, and together they trekked up from the dungeons to the Great Hall for breakfast.

She had gotten a congratulatory letter from her aunt and uncle the day before for making it into Slytherin, and today a tawny owl nearly dropped the Daily Prophet into her cereal. At the end of breakfast Professor Snape came around to pass out their schedules.

Ursula Black, first year Slytherin


8:10-9:20 — History of Magic w. Ravenclaw

9:30-12:00 — Double Charms w. Hufflepuff

1:10-2:20 — Defense Against the Dark Arts w. Gryffindor

2:30-3:40 — Herbology w. Ravenclaw

3:50-5:00 — Free


8:10-10:40 — Double Potions w. Gryffindor

10:50-12:00 — Free

1:10-2:20 — Study Hall

2:30-5:00 — Double Transfiguration w. Hufflepuff


8:10-10:40 — Double Flying

10:50-12:00 — Study Hall

1:10-2:20 — History of Magic w. Ravenclaw

2:30-3:40 — Free

3:50-5:00 — Astronomy

12:00-1:00 — Astronomy


8:10-10:40 — Double Defense Against the Dark Arts w. Gryffindor

10:50-12:00 — Free

1:10-2:20 — Herbology w. Ravenclaw

2:30-3:40 — History of Magic w. Ravenclaw

3:50-5:00 — Charms w. Hufflepuff


8:10-9:20 — Transfiguration w. Hufflepuff

9:30-10:40 — Astronomy

10:50-12:00 — Potions w. Gryffindor

1:10-2:20 — Free

2:30-3:40 — Study Hall

3:50-5:00 — Herbology w. Ravenclaw

"Looks like today we have... History of Magic with the Ravenclaws... double Charms with the Hufflepuffs... Defense Against the Dark Arts after lunch with the Gryffindors... Herbology with the Ravenclaws... and a free period before dinner!" finished Lilian, scanning her schedule.

"We should get going," said Vanessa. "It'll take us forever to find History of Magic, even if we did explore yesterday."

The three girls decided it would take far too long to return their unnecessary books back to their dorms, so they headed off to find History of Magic. Hogwarts was very large, and the addition of the moving staircases made it difficult to navigate. There were one hundred forty-two staircases, some that were wide and sweeping, others narrow and rickety. Some led somewhere different on a Friday and others had a vanishing step halfway up that you had to remember to jump.

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