The Engagement

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Ursula spent much of her Christmas break alone, save for Betelgeuse and her house elves, busy as she was making plans in preparation for the difficult times to come. She had met the extended Hawthorne family shortly after Christmas over a very jovial tea, and in between her dates with Fred she made sure to visit Tonks, Andromeda, and Ted, who were delighted to see her. Ursula also made it her business to get a straight answer out of Draco as to what he was planning, warning him in the strongest terms not to give Slughorn poisoned mead for Dumbledore, for Slughorn would surely keep it for himself.

Ursula took advantage of her time in England to attend an actual Order meeting, one of few she ever actually went to. The meeting was at Grimmauld Place, and though Dumbledore himself was absent, Ursula arrived with Lilian and Blossom, proving to be something of a surprise to Sirius.

"Ursula!" he said, coming into the entrance hall. "I wasn't expecting to see you."

"Yes, well, I have news that felt as if it warranted being delivered in person," said Ursula, her smile tense.

"Right this way, ladies, we're meeting in the kitchen," said Sirius.

Seated around the table already was Mad-Eye Moody — the real Mad-Eye Moody — Kingsley Shacklebolt, Tonks, Molly and Arthur Weasley, Bill Weasley, Fred, George, Lee Jordan, and Remus Lupin. Ursula, Lilian, and Blossom took their seats, and Ursula flashed Fred a warning look across the table not to mention anything that might indicate the two of them were a couple.

"Hello Ursula," said Molly warmly. Ursula smiled back at her.

"So," said Moody, his voice gruff. "Any new developments at the Ministry?"

Arthur sighed.

"Scrimgeour tried to recruit Harry at Christmas," he said. "Harry, of course, said no. The Ministry has failed to catch even one real Death Eater."

"We're beginning to suspect some of the fake calls are coming from Death Eaters, to distract us," cut in Lilian.

"You would be right about that," said Ursula grimly. "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named put some of the new recruits to work covering up the Death Eater's tracks whenever the Ministry gets too close."

"Hang on," interrupted Sirius. "Not even one Death Eater?" He turned to Ursula. "I thought Rowle joined months ago."

"He did," said Ursula. "But Hadrian is careful. And —" she turned to Kingsley "— if he gets fired, the Order loses a spy."

"I am well aware of Mr. Rowle's position," said Kingsley. "We intend to use him to report back false information. Have you any idea what You-Know-Who is planning in the Ministry?"

"Yes, he wants to put as many department heads under the Imperius curse as possible," said Ursula. "Watch out especially for Pius Thicknesse, as he's in the most danger."

"How are recruitment efforts going?" asked Tonks, speaking for the first time. She looked rather ill and sad, and her hair was mousy brown instead of its usual bubblegum pink.

"Not well," said Moody. "Ms. Ash, do you have something to add?"

"Yes. I've begun reaching out to former Hogwarts students, the family of friends of mine and the like," said Blossom. "A lot of them are willing to do what they can to help, but it's dangerous to outright denounce You-Know-Who."

"I have news on that score," said Ursula. She held up a piece of paper with a dozen or so names scrawled down it. "I have been... hesitant... to share my exact contacts, but I feel that I must."

She passed the paper over to Moody, who looked over it with great interest, his electric blue eye staring particularly intently at it.

"Those are the three official Death Eaters and eight wives or girlfriends of Death Eaters who are willing to share information," said Ursula.

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