Madam Tripe's Visit

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Just days after Ursula's return home, which was marked by a particular appreciation of the weather, which was much cooler than in Arizona, her OWL results arrived. She shouldn't have been surprised, of course, as it had been more than a month since term ended, but she was still anxious when Dimsey brought the owl inside. Lucius would never allow an owl in the dining room, so Dimsey detached the letter and brought it to Ursula.

She held the letter in her hand, weighing the thin parchment. She barely looked at the wax seal on the back before slitting the envelope open with her engraved paper knife. Ursula pulled out the results and steeled herself before unfolding the paper.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Ordinary Wizarding Level Results

Pass Grades:

Outstanding (O)

Exceeds Expectations (E)

Acceptable (A)

Fail Grades:

Poor (P)

Dreadful (D)

Troll (T)

Ursula Cassiopeia Black has achieved:

Ancient Runes - E

Arithmancy - O

Astronomy - O

Care of Magical Creatures - O

Charms - O

Defense Against the Dark Arts - O

Herbology - E

History of Magic - O

Potions - O

Transfiguration - O

Ursula read through the parchment several times, her breathing becoming easier with each reading. Finally, accepting the results with pride, she passed the letter to her aunt and uncle.

"Ten OWLs," said Narcissa approvingly, when Ursula handed her the paper. "Very well done."

"Excellent work," said Lucius.

Ursula turned to the list of supplies, which had been included with her results, scanning for anything that might give a hit as to who their new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher might be.

"I see dress robes have been added to our list of supplies," said Ursula. "Whatever for?"

"The Ministry has decided to revive the Triwizard Tournament this year," said Lucius.

"What's that?" asked Draco. Lucius turned, eyebrows raised, to Ursula, challenging her to put the history lessons she'd received from Cygnus to use.

"It's a magical contest between the three largest European Wizarding schools," said Ursula slowly, recalling her grandfather's words. "Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, and Durmstrang. Each school has a champion compete for them, and brings a delegation for support. It was established... seven hundred years ago, but it hasn't taken place for two hundred years, after the, er, after the death toll rose too high."

Lucius nodded approvingly.

"Very good," he said. "You, of course, will not be entering."

"Oh?" said Ursula. She hadn't any great desire to join the tournament, but she was surprised that she wasn't allowed.

"It's not ladylike," said Lucius, "and far too dangerous."

"Quite right," said Narcissa, setting down her teacup. "Draco, you are not allowed to enter either. You're too young."

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