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A week and a half goes by quickly. I stand here at my own gender reveal party, Jake holding a black massive balloon with his left hand and a pin with the right one. I hold my own pin and everyone holds cameras up. The photographer ensures he is in the centre of the shot.


Jake and I pop the black balloon with our pins at the same time. The colour blue erupts all around us and I laugh, letting the colour fall into my hands.

"A boy," Jake whispers.

In excitement he grabs me and lifts me up off the ground and I giggle. Everyone cheers and mum and dad hug so tightly with big smiles on their face. Everything seems hazy and I feel a hard poke on my back. I turn around and gasp.

Jake kneels before me, a massive engagement ring before him. Purely white gold, diamonds on the top half surrounding the big diamond centred in the middle.

"Faye. We've been through it all together, every time the world knocked us down we came out stronger. You are the love of my life and so perfect. We are going to be amazing parents. Will you marry me?" I gasp and pause, tears welling in my eyes.

"Yes!" I exclaim and jump on him. He falls back on the grass from the impact and chuckles. I look at his perfect face and press my lips against his.

We both stand up and mum comes over and hugs me, "congratulations my baby. I'm so happy, I've never been so happy for you."

Dad joins her and hugs me, mum decides to hug Jake after I can tell she was reconsidering it. Obviously she is going to feel some sort of hate or anger towards him after what he did to dad. But I think she understands why. After all, dad murdered her brother and she saw. But everyone has a reason for everything.

"I find myself shocked that I'm actually saying this, but I'm happy for you. The both of you," he extends his hand to Jake. Jake grins at the acceptance and takes his hand gracefully.

Nick comes over and hugs the both of us, smiling and jumping up and down. I roll my eyes whilst smiling.

"Oh my god we have to open all the gifts!" Brandon exclaims.

"Later," I smile. "I want to get married today," I say looking at Jake.

"But you don't have a dress," mum says. "Wait, I have the perfect one for you!"

"But where are we going to find a location and a priest at such short notice?" Jake asks.

"I know a priest," Titus says. Everyone looks at him and he shrugs.

"And I know the perfect place," I smile thinking of my spot.

Mum drags me upstairs to get ready and shows her beautiful wedding dress. "It's French lace," she smiles.

I gasp, her wedding dress is incredibly beautiful. After showering I put it on and stare stunned. It's tighter around the waist then flows out, beautiful flowers are scattered around the dress. The top half is in a v shape around my breasts, showing enough cleavage. The back is also in a v shape, dipping down to my lower back.

She grabs out sparkly heels and sits me down to do my makeup. An hour passes and I'm sitting in the car nervously, waiting for them to begin driving so I can marry the love of my life.

"You ready?" Dad asks and I nod not properly answering.

He taps the drivers seat and we are on our way, he looks at me and his mouth drops. "What? What's wrong with me?" I question.

"You're like a clone of your mother," he whispers.

I smile and look out the window as we drive to my place. I'm about to be married. 17 and married. What will people say? Should I even go back to school? Maybe I should apply for early admissions for university.

My door opens and I stare out at the opening, my heart beating rapidly. Dad extends his arm to give me his hand to grab and Nick stands next to him.

I think of Brock. He would be so happy for me and he would want to be here right now. I miss him so much and wish he was here to witness this moment and be there once my baby is born.

"You ready?" Dad asks and I nod exiting the car.

We all get into position, dad taking my arm and he takes a deep breath. We give the signal I'm ready and turning page behind playing and I slowly walk down the long isle, trees surrounding me.

I stop in front of Jake whom sheds a few tears, dad gives me away to him and we hold each other's hands staring deeply into each other's eyes.

"Do you Jake Collins take Faye Lacuna to be your wife? To care for and to hold, to love for eternity?"

"I do," Jake whispers.

"And do you Faye Lacuna take Jake Collins to be your husband? To care for and to hold, go love for eternity?" The priest asks me.

I look out at everyone, mum wiping her tears away with a tissue while clinging onto dad. Nick gives me the thumbs up and I smile, tears falling from my eyes.

"I do."

"You may kiss the bride."

We embrace each other passionately and kiss each other deeply. And that's our story, a messed up but perfect story.

And that's the end of it!! Thank you sm for sticking by but is finally completed as of the 17/01/2021

I hope you enjoyed the story, thank you ok for the support. What's your favourite story so far of mine?

Go check out Breaking Titus.

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