Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine "The Story continues."

It's 12am when I started writing this and now it is 8:53 and Christmas in Australia and I'm writing, I feel a tad bit sad and I don't know why.

"She tried to stay away from me, she didn't want to get involved with my bad ways as she said. Kate Swan, that's her name. No one knew of her, only few people. I know this because I tried finding everything about her. How did we meet you may ask? Well it all started on January the 29th.

Mr Carter's pov

"Need a lighter?" Conrad asks me, I keep the smoke in my mouth and grab it from him- lighting up the cigarette. I blow out a puff and sigh, leaning against the wall.

"Rough night?" Jonty asks. I shrug my shoulders and look around at the people in school blankly.

"You could say that," I chuckle humourlessly. A girl with long brown hair, brown eyes, olive skin, slim with long legs and slightly tall walks past with purposeful  steps. She coughs dramatically, fanning the air being over dramatic as if saying silently to not smoke. "Got a problem?" I snap.

She pauses, Conrad and Jonty watch the scene play out with amusement as she looks uncomfortable. Good. She should regret being over dramatic. I drop the smoke onto the ground and stomp on it, walking closer to her, she backs away into the wall. She clenches her eyes shut and shakes her head, holding her breath. "No problem," I raise my eyebrows.

"Didn't seem like it before," she gulps, looking up at me in almost fear. But then all emotions disappear and she scowls at me, a change in her attitude noticeable.

"Maybe you shouldn't smoke a cancer stick near people or on school grounds, plus dumping it onto the ground. Can't be too good for the environment," I raise my eyebrows, slightly shocked that someone would actually speak to me like that.

"I do whatever the hell I want and no one can stop me," I spit venomously at her. She pushes against my chest and sneaks away from the wall, in a space where she can easily get away.

"No one can do whatever they want, there are rules Carter," with that she turns on her heel and walks away.

Faye's pov.

"Wow..... so everyone was afraid of you? Why? You are so not intimidating, how could anyone be afraid of you?" His mouth drops open in shock towards me.

"I'm slightly offended that you'd actually say that, Lacuna."

I shrug helplessly, "answer my question."

"They were afraid of me because I made bad decisions and did bad things to people, they knew I wouldn't hesitate to do it to them. Kate acted like she wasn't afraid, but she was. She was just good at hiding it, that obviously irked my ego that she wasn't afraid and would actually talk back at me. Yet, I was intrigued and wanted to know more about her." He stares at the back wall, as if he's in another world and isn't talking to me. It's like his old life is on a big display screen right in front of him.'

"Oh, but you stopped doing bad things to people right?" I ask, he shakes his head in shame.

"It was the only thing that could make me forget some things. Everyone has a scapegoat from their lives, that happened to be mine. But then Kate slowly turned into my scapegoat, I needed to be near her, I needed to annoy her or something just so I could be around her. It sucked that she hated me, but I would deal with it," so he has a 'dark' past like every other bad boy.

"Right...," I trail off not knowing what to say to him.

"Oh come on, please tell me that you have a scapegoat to all your problems?" He almost pleads making me smirk and laugh.

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