Chapter fourty

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"Who are you calling?" Jake grumbles. I hold my hand up to shush him.

"Hello?" Brandon answers the phone.

"Brandon! Why weren't you at school?" I exclaim.

"Uh oh," he says.

Jake stares at me with his arms crossed over his chest, I can sense the jealousy but he doesn't say anything. Brandon is my new found best friend. Plus, I'm sensing he is gay. But I won't know for sure until he is comfortable to come out.

"Explain!" I demand.

"I over slept so I didn't see the point in coming today," his reply is.

"YOU DIDNT SEE THE POINT! I was all alone, that is the point. I have no other friends but you," I state.

"I'm sorry, I promise I'll come tomorrow. Please forgive me!" I giggle and shake my head.

"See you tomorrow!" I hang up the phone and Jake raises his eyebrows. "What?" I ask.

"Nothing at all," he grumbles sourly. I pout, teasing him and he glares in response. I pinch his cheeks and he slaps it gently away.

Jake has been less controlling since we have gotten back together. He says and I quote 'it's your decision what you wear. If you want other guys attention then it's on you'. Basically, he is very dramatic and sensitive. But more importantly, he lets me make my own decisions which is important in every relationship.

A lady has to remember what is toxic and what isn't.

"Can you grab me some food please?" I question. He sighs and stands up to grab me food.

I turn on my phone and see a notification from Brandon.

'There's someone special I want you to meet' - B

The next day

Brandon asked me to meet him at Starbucks before school. As much as Jake disliked it, I drove my own car there. We argued for 10 minutes, I really had to go though so I told him I'm not dealing with this shit then left. So technically we are still fighting.

I park the car and take the keys out. I look straight ahead at the coffee store and sigh. Tiredly, I exit the car and walk to the doors to enter. I see him, with a boy.

He waves to me and the guy next to him nervously waits. I near the table smiling and stop, staring into Brandon's brown eyes. Brandon is a tall, Fijian boy. His skin a golden dark brown, so beautiful and looks so smooth. His hair is very curly and black.

"This is Toby, my boyfriend."

And it shocks me to hear he is gay. I smile so brightly and squeal in excitement. "Nice to meet you!" I exclaim.

Toby has a caramel skin colour, a big smile with pearl white teeth and a massive Afro. "Nice to meet you too," he smiles nervously.

"So do you go to school?" I ask.

He shakes his head, "no. I left two years ago."

"Do you work?" I question.

"I'm a electrician," he responds.

"Oh nice," I nod. My phone buzzes and I look down to see a text message from Jake.

'You forgot your lunch. Do you want me to transfer money or bring you it?' - Jake

'I think I'm gonna skip school today'

'Why?' - Jake

'I'm meeting Brandon's man. You can come to the coffee shop if you want'

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