Chapter Twenty Two

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"11:01. You are one minute past curfew time," dad says as soon as I enter the door. I jump and place a hand on my heart, making sure to glare at him for scaring me. He is sitting down at the kitchen table, looking at his phone for the time. "That boy is really pushing it," my mouth opens in shock and I really pray he is not being serious.

"You aren't serious right?" I raise my eyebrows, he shrugs and I sigh shaking my head. I don't have time for this, I continue walking away from him.

"He didn't try anything right?" Dad asks, I stop and look back at him shaking my head.

"No, even if he did that wouldn't be any of your business," dad has the audacity to scoff at me and I groan. "Is mum awake?" He shakes his head at me. "No wonder why you're openly saying all of this, your over protectiveness is overbearing can you just let me be a teenager? Whatever, I'm going to bed."

Jakes Pov

The men are all sitting in front of me, timid and quiet. I stay standing, waiting for one of these asshats to open their mouths to tell me what I have to do, well attempt. They're too afraid. But, there is always that one person out of everyone that has to say something. "You're gonna have to kill him soon boss," my head snaps over to the scrawny man who said that.

"Are you trying to tell me what I have to do? I'll do whatever I want," I grab hi by the throat, he coughs and nods vigorously. 

"O-of course boss."

"Sorry bro but you're getting too attached to her, we can all see it. This has gotta end soon, don't even think about laying a hand on me you ass face," Max warns. "If you love her and kill her father then she will loathe your guts mate, you gotta stop assing around and get to it. He killed your father."

"I don't love her!" I snap at him, he raises his eyebrows and shakes his head not believing a single word. I clench my jaw and growl under my breath, is he trying to tell me how I feel? I'm pretty sure he wouldn't know. "Give me two weeks and it'll be done, I'll get close to him and shoot the bastard. Vengeance for my father is what we we need," Tyler raises his eyebrow.

"More like what you need. But Jake, what will come out of this in the end? Will that hole in your heart be sealed again? Or does she mend that hole for you?" I slam my fist against the wall, causing a hole. He is making me seem weak in front of these men. They could use that to their advantage. Even though he is one of my best mates I have to tell him what to do in front of these men. 

"It's boss not Jake Tyler," he raises his hands up.

"It's sex god not Tyler," my mouth cant help but twitch into a smile. I try not to laugh, I bite my tongue and he can see that I am highly amused and smirks. "Back to business," he claps his hands. 

"Who you gonna hurt boss?" one of the men asks me. As he asks me all I can think is. Her. 

Faye's Pov

Jake isn't here. Neither is Max and Tyler, Ruby is though. Whenever I ask her why aren't they at school she completely voids the question and closes off. There has been so many excuses, I'm his girlfriend I deserve to know the truth. "Ruby just tell me before I beat your ass," I grab her wrist making sure she doesn't get away.

"Erm.... They're planning a surprise party," she blurts out, I release her wrist and raise my eyebrows.

"For whom may I ask?"

"You of course silly!" She slaps me lightly. I am very very confused. They are planning a surprise party when it isn't even close to my birthday. Is it just one of those random parties that people throw to hook up, get drunk and high and do drugs? Probably to be honest.

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