newt one-shot

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Newt was so desperately in love with you, it was insane!

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Newt was so desperately in love with you, it was insane!

You didn't know this, of course, but your friends sure did. His friends did, too. And, well, basically the entire school had figured it out by now (minus you, of course).

So yeah, they all knew to say no. They all had been warned more than a few times that Minho would hunt them down if they dared to ask you to homecoming before Newt. They knew it and he knew that they knew it.

And they all knew to not say anything when you climbed on top of one of the lunch tables and screamed "HEY! Any of you losers want to take me to homecoming?!".

But... someone apparently didn't get it.

(Or maybe he just didn't care.
I mean, he was taller than Newt and stronger than Minho. He was faster than Thomas, too! Minho's threats were like that of a chihuahua - all talk and no walk.)

Ari saw Newt freeze in his place and took it as a chance to get you because it's free country, right? You're your own woman! You can go with Ari if you want! Newt isn't in charge of you!!

And so yeah, you said "yes" to Ari that day, because hey, at least you've got a date!

And yeah, you gushed to Newt about it, too. All day and all night.

And also, no, you didn't see how forced his smile was (for once) and you didn't worry about him all much because you've got a date!
At least until now.

Within seconds you pulled Newt out of the hallway and into the janitor's closet. Your hand covered his mouth to suppress his possible (and very girly) screams and the fear in his eyes almost made you feel bad for scaring him.

"Why are you avoiding me?" You accused. Yep, right. Getting straight to the point. No hesitation in this house...

"A - what?" Newt asked. His breath was minty, surprisingly. Fresh and warm and -

What?! Ew!

You shook your head, "Why are you avoiding me?" You asked again, because duh.

"I haven't been av-"

"Do you think I'm stupid, Newt? I know when something's up with you so talk!" You said. Then, quite desperately (aka: when Newt did not talk one bit) you added, "Please!"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Was all he mumbled. God, he didn't even look at you! What the heck?!

"Newt," You warned.

"I'm fine."

"Cool, I didn't ask." You said. "But now... let's talk about that, since you're obviously not fine-"

"I am." He insisted.

"No," You scoffed. "You're not... so talk to me."
"No," Newt pouted. His arms were now crossed across his chest, childish as ever.

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