jason todd drabble

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inspired by a thing i found on pinterest

inspired by a thing i found on pinterest —

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"Jesus Christ!" You whisper yelled. You opened your mouth to speak again, but the cement was quick to shut you up. It was like a fist to your face, a harsh slap.

You leapt to your feet. Batman wasn't someone you weren't familiar with — you'd practically grown up by the OG Boy Wonder's side — but this wasn't the same. This wasn't something you were used to, something you had grown to tolerate.

Red winced before you. He had his domino mask on, his hood in one hand and his stomach in the other; in both, there was blood.

"What the hell happened?!" You hissed. The Bat winced at your tone. He didn't dare to spare Jason a look, and you were even more pissed.

But still, he grunted.

Tim beat him to the cut. "Jay's shot," he said, "just missed stomach and large intestine."

"Okay, but — wait! Those aren't even close to each other!" You nearly screamed. "How the hell does that happen?!"

The window behind Bruce shifted, and Dick's suddenly popped his head through. "'Cause he got shot twice," the oldest brother said. He sent the second oldest a weak nod of acknowledgment, but stared for a few beats too many.

"Then say that!" You said. God, you thought. How have these men survived?

With Alfred's help, you reminded yourself. Of course.

"Todd was also grazed on his thigh," Damian piped. He had apparently followed Dick in your apartment... also through the window?


The boys nodded. It was almost funny, in a way. Their jet black hair and nearly identical eyes. They all gave you the same guilty look, too. And if you didn't know otherwise, you'd assume they were all connected by blood.

Tim stated at you, and then the floor. He swayed slightly, and looked to you once more before collapsing to the ground.

"Tim!" You yelped.

Dick chuckled, but you failed to see why. "I got him," He said. "You get Jason; Timmy just needs some sleep."

You looked to Dick, then to Tim. First for approval, and then concern. Then you looked to Bruce — more approval — and finally Jason. Dick was right and you knew it, but it isn't that easy to wisk your worries away.

But you ignored it, and you turned to Jason, Damian, and Bruce — the remaining three bats who weren't currently occupied.


Jason Todd awoke in a white room. Light bounced off of every corner and landed in his eyes. He already regretted waking up.

That was, if he even did wake up.

But Jason let out a small sigh. He decided that no, he hadn't died again, because you were sleeping in the chair next to him. You weren't dead.


Jason shook his head, he shook his thoughts away and reached to his arm where the IV was. While the bed creaked he slowly pulled it out, but, of course, you awoke. You've always been a light sleeper.

Jason mentally cursed himself, but forced a smile. You, however, didn't return it.

You opened your mouth to speak, to scream or yell or do something, but you couldn't. Jason's eyes begged you to stop before you even started. So, you closed your mouth, and opened it a second time. This time, taking a breath before speaking.

"How long have you been awake?" You asked.

Jason shrugged lazily. "Mmh, a minute or so?" He said, though it sounded more like a question than an answer.

You looked at him again, and then pushed yourself up. You stepped towards the heart rate monitor and took a peek at his vitals.

"Where am I?" Jason finally croaked.

"Bruce's safe house," You said, not looking up.

"What... what happened?" He said.

"Not sure," You admitted. You felt bad with your simple, petty responses. It wasn't Jason's fault. (Well actually, it probably was, but still...)

"Bats came in around eleven, you were unconscious. After that you'd been K.O.'d for a few hours..." You paused. "And now you're here, so yeah. 'M glad you're recovering quickly."

"What about the others...?" Jason asked.

"All fine but the Riddler," You said. You didn't mention that Tim passed out from exhaustion. You probably should have, but for whatever reason you couldn't.

Jason laughed, but then winced. He reached towards his ribs, but you stuck your hand out to stop him.

"Don't touch them!" You snapped. Then, your face softened, and, "sorry, just... we had to improvise so you're not patched up the best."

Jason nodded slowly. Then he said, "I gotta pee."

You cracked a smile and pointed to the bathroom door. "Be careful," You warned. "And let me know if there's any blood."

Jason nodded again, and slowly pushed himself off the hospital bed.

He came back with a yawn. He was almost like a kitten, you thought. An adorable, huge assassin kitten.

"Tired?" You asked. You raised your eyebrow, but you already knew the answer.

Jason grunted and shook his head. Liar, you thought. You didn't say, it, though. You listened to Jason say nah, I gotta stay awake for our sleepover! with heavy confusion.

"What?" You asked.

"I gotta stay awake for our sleepover!" Jason repeated.

You frowned and shook your head, "what sleepover? Jay, we haven't had one since you..." you trailed off. That was a sentence better left unheard.

"Wait, where's your nightgown?" Jason cried.

"My nightgown... oh!" You laughed, "Jason, it's not a nightgown, it's a — "

"Whatever. Truth or dare, (Y/n)?" Jason said.

"Jason, you're in a hospital bed. You almost bled out, this isn't a sleepov — "

"(Y/n)!" He whined.

You bit your lip, suppressing a smile, and finally answered.

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