newt imagine

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"C'mere, luv

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"C'mere, luv." He said. He motioned towards you, and you followed. You crawled into his lap, and he gently pulled your hair out of its messy ponytail. You assumed he slipped the rubber band onto his own wrist, because he never handed it back. It didn't take long for a light tugging on your head to occur.

"What're ya doing?" You asked with a giggle. Newt just hummed in response.

"Stressful day?" He asked.

"Yeah," You admitted. But when Newt tensed, you added: "But all's better now that you're here."

At that he let out a breathy chuckle.

"But seriously," You said. "What's going on back there?" You tried to reach for your hair, but Newt's hands slapped your own out of the way. You squealed in response, which only made Newt laugh more.

It was a beautiful sight to see. Two people, laying in a hammock hopelessly in love while giggling like schoolgirls.

"Meanie," You pouted. You crossed your arms across your chest.

Newt made a small sound of protest, before the tugging stopped. "I braided it!" He said, trying to shove the small braid towards your face so you can see. You swatted him away with another laugh, before getting up to inspect your boyfriend's new work of art.

And here you were, assuming that it would be worse than any braid you've ever attempted at but being pleasantly surprised in finding that Newt was, in fact, excellent at doing hair.

You ran your hand across it, still speechless at your reflection in the mirror you held.

"Pretty good, eh?" Newt asked.

You let go of your hair, and gave him a small push. You shrugged, and walked towards him. "Seen better." You said.

Newt placed a hand over his heart, offended, and you smirked. "Please," he said. "This is the best you've ever done."

You raised an eyebrow, "Really?"


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